road to the civil war

By Goskc19
  • first slaves

    first slaves come from africa to the us
  • cotton owners

    cotton plantain owners used the cotton jin to get rich
  • The abolitionist newspaper

    the abolitionist movement started to grow with the start of the newspaper
  • the liberator

    another revolutionary newspaper in
  • liberia

    the start of liberia
  • kansass nebraska act

    kanssaa nebraska act was put into place
  • the liberator

    William Garrison published the first cope of the liberator which was an influential newspaper this gave allot of people a new look on slavery.
  • bleeding kansass

    there were a lot of border ruffians and fights in kansass
  • rebelion

    slaves were getting together and fear of a rebellion grew
  • texas

    annexation of texas could be a slave state
  • fredrick douglas

    fredrick douglas made a lot of speeches
  • the underground railroad

    the underground railroad was made from people in the Abolitionists
  • annexation of california

    the annexation of california slave state or na
  • the mexican war

    we had new land and more slave states
  • civil war

  • harpers ferry

    john brown and his family and slaves attacked an armory in hope to arm slaves
  • john brown dies

    john brown gave his speech and was hung
  • compromise of 1850

  • the union succeeds

    the union secedes from the union
  • red scott

    a rolling that turned everyone into a sherif
  • free soil party

  • lincon

    the campaign to end slavery
  • lincon was elected president

    the country felt like they elected an abolitionist and he wasn't even on his ballet
  • the country feels divided

    the south feels like he will abolish slavery and he didn't even appear on the souths ballets