Road to the Civil War

  • Northwest Ordinance-Green

    Northwest Ordinance-Green
    Economic: Created a single territory with all the land north of Ohio, and this territory had one government. However, this territory could be split into 3-5 territories later on. The ordinance also set a number on how many people were needed to become a state, 60,000, and it gave people in the Northwest the right to freedom of religion and trial by jury. Finally it outlawed the slavery throughout the Northwest territoy.
  • Missouri Compromise-Green

    Missouri Compromise-Green
    Political: The missouri compromise set a diffinitive boundry for what what states would be slave vs free along with declairing Missouri as a slave state and main as a free state. The boarder set up for slave vs free states was anything North of the 36,30 lattitute line would be a free state and anything south of it would be a slave state.
  • Nat Turner Rebellion-Red

    Nat Turner Rebellion-Red
    Social and Political: An educated slave named Nat Turner led a rebellion in which he gathered up runnaway slaves and went around killing white plantation owners, 50 to be exact. The rebellion led to fear towards educating slaves and slave revolts which made some states create laws against educating slaves.
  • Gag Rule-Red

    Gag Rule-Red
    Political:The Gag Rule was proposed by James Hammond in 1836, and it prohibitated the discussion of slavery within the house of representatives. Henry L. Prickney later added to the gag rule banning all petitions or protests that over the topic of slavery. The gag rule was very controversial and many people such as John Quincy Adams believed it was unconstotutional and violated the the first amendment.
  • Amistad Case-Red

    Amistad Case-Red
    Political: The Amistad Case was a United States Supreme Court case dealing with what should happen to a group of Africans who rebelled and killed their captors on the Spanish schooner La Amistad. The supreme court reached a 7-1 verdict in which they determined the Africans were not guilty of murder as they were illegally enslaved. This case was a big step in the direction of abolitioning slavery as it showed how the government has started slowing down the slave trade.
  • Annexation of Texas-Red

    Annexation of Texas-Red
    Ecconomic and Politicial: Texas gained its independence from Mexico and joined the United States. This led to heavey debate as to weather Texas should be a free or slave state causing more rising tensions between pro slave and anti slave citizens in the U.S.
  • Mexican War-Red

    Mexican War-Red
    Political: Mexican war was a conflict between the United States and Mexico over where the bundry line of Texas ended. Mexico claimed the Texas boarder ended at the Nueces River, but the United States felt that the Texas boarder should be the Rio Grande. The war ended with the singing of the treaty of Guadalope Hidalgo.
  • Wilmot Proviso-Green

    Wilmot Proviso-Green
    Ecconomic and Political:David Wilmot, an antislavery Pennsylvania representative from the Democratic party, added an amendment to the appropriation bill that banned slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico. The decesion was very conserversial and it was heavily debated.
  • California Gold Rush-Red

    California Gold Rush-Red
    Economic: The discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill in CA by James Marshall led to mass immigration to CA from both U.S citizens and forign people, mainly the chinese. Around 300,000 people moved to Californa for the gold rush, and thousands of people quit their jobs and left their homes to mine for gold.
  • The Compromise of 1850-Red

    The Compromise of 1850-Red
    Political: The compromise of 1850 was not one bill but a collection of 5 bills. These bills banned slave trade in D.C but still allowed slavery in the capitol, admitted CA as a free state, enfroced fugitive slave acts, created new boundary for Texas to end disputes with New Mexico, and finally the bills allowed Utah and New Mexico to vote as to if they would be free or slave states.
  • Fugitive Slave Act-Red

    Fugitive Slave Act-Red
    Political: The fugitive slave act made it law that runaway slaves had to be returned to their owners if found. The act made the government responsible for finding the slave, trying them, and returning them back to the plantation. Later harsher punishments were added for runnaway slaves as well.
  • Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin-Red

    Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin-Red
    Social: Uncle Tom's Cabin was an anti slavery book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The book emphisized the horrors of slavery and due to its immaculate success it led to many more northerners giving support to abolitionists.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act-Red

    Kansas-Nebraska Act-Red
    Eccinomic political:The act was created by a democratic senator from Illinoi named Stephen Douglas. The act consisted of revoking the Missouri compramise, and creating 2 new territories for settlement, Kansas and Nebraska. It also declared that Kansas and Nebraska would determain if they were free or slave states via a vote from the territories settelers.
  • Ostend Manifesto-Red

    Ostend Manifesto-Red
    Ecinomic: Due to fear stemming from the receant slave revolts in Hati and the possability of gaining more slave territoy, the Ostend Manifesto was written with the hopes that the U.S would seize Cuba from Spain. This scared anitislavers and led them to grow angry with the possability of adding mroe slave territory to the U.S.
  • Dred Scott Decision-Red

    Dred Scott Decision-Red
    Political: The Dred Scott decision was made by the Supreme court and it was deneying an african american, Dred Scott, freedom. The decesion rulled that that Blacks could not be citizens and were not protected by Due Process. Also the decesion rulled that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.
  • John Brown's Raid on Harpers Fairy, VA-Red

    John Brown's Raid on Harpers Fairy, VA-Red
    An abolitionist named John Brown led a slave insurrection in Harpers Fairy Virginia. Brown was helped by a group of other abolitionists and together they were known as the secret six. They freed slaves in VA and then used those same slaves to help them attack and take over the U.S Arsenal at Harpers Fairy.
  • Crittenden compromise-Red

    Crittenden compromise-Red
    Political: The Compromise was a last ditch effort to prevent a civil war and it did so by proposing an amendment in which the right to slavery would become a part of the Consitution and could never be abolished. The compromise also helped compensate planters who had runaway slaves, and it reastablished Missouri Compramise line.