Road To the Civil War

  • Slaves in the South

    Salvery begins in the south.
  • American Revolution

    Americans were fighting for their freedom but did not thinlk about slaves freedom. Slaves also started to be used in the war.
  • Three Fifths Compromise

    In this compromise slaves would be be 1/3 of the population in southern states. This upset the north because it would give the southern states more power than them in the government.
  • Louisiana Purchases

    United States doubled it's size and gainded a lot more land in the west. This lead to people deciding weather to make new territories free or slave states.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise made it so the territory Missouri would be a slave state and the territory Maine would be a free state.
  • The Free Soil Party

    The Free soil party was made for the people who were against slavery in the western states. Many southerners did not like this party because it gave them less of a chance to expand slavery.
  • Mexican War Ends

    When the Mexican War ended the United States addmited many new states. These states would have to decide weather they would be a free or a slave state.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850 had five differnent parts to make it fare to both southerners and northerners. The parts were California joined as a free state, they divided the Mexican session into Utah and New Mexico, ended slave trade in Washington D.C., made a slave fugitive law, and Made a border between Texas and New Mexico.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    This book was writen by Harriet Beecher Stowe and showed the true evils of slavery. The story of Uncle Tom's Cabin was about a slave and showed what a terrible life slaves would have. This novel also convinced thousands of people to want to abolish slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Stephan Douglas introduced the idea of separating the Nebraska territory into two states which would be called New Maxico and Nebraska. Southerns liked this idea but the Northerners did not. The north threatened to not follow fugitive slave law. There would be a vote in Kansas deiding wheather it would be a slave state or free state. Thsi leasto all kinds of violence inthe future.
  • The Republican Party

    The republican party formed in 1854. This party wanted to end slavery in the west. Since slavery was such an issue at this time the Republican party became very popular.
  • Violence in the Senate

    Charles Sumner, a notherner, viciously criticized Andrew Butler in a speech he gave in congress. The next day Butlers nephew showed up and beat Sumner until unconscious.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott was a slave who's owner moved with him to Illinois were slavery was not allowed. Scott's owner made them move back to Missouri and died. Scott filed a lawsuit saying he sould be a free man because he lived in a non-slave state. This was taken to supream court and ruled rthat Scott was still a slave. Court also said that ALL states were now allowed to have slaves.
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown was a northerner who killed five men at Kansas during the voting. Now John Brown was leading a raid at a southern town with a few other men. Brown tried to get all the slaves to form a revolt but he was to slow. Brown was captured and hung in town to show a message to the north.
  • Election of 1860

    During this election Abe Lincoln won and became the President. The south felt they had now lost pretty much all power in the government. In 1860-1861 seven southern states seceded from the U.S. to form the Confederate states of America.
  • Confederate States

    South secedes from the the United States.