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Underground Railroad
It was a network of secret routs and safehouses used by black slaves to escape from the south and get to the north where they are free. This also helped lead to the civil war because farmers were losing their slaves because they escapeing to the north -
comprimise of 1850
A plethora of bills passed to resolve the dispute between slave and non-slave states about weather the new land in the west were going to be slave sates or non slave states. It helped lead to the civil war because it was one of those things that they just swept under the rug and didnt think about it and that helped lead to the civil war -
Fugitive slave act
It said that all run away slaves that are found are to be brought back to their masters. It was nicknamed "Blood Hound law" by abolishionists. It helped lead to the civil war because this created tension with the two sides because slaves started escapeing to the north where they couldn't be brought back. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
An antislavary novel byHarriet Beechor Stowe, the novel "helped lay the groundwork for the civil war" according to Will Kaufman. -
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Bleeding Kansas
Political confrontations concerning into weather or not Kansas would enter theunione as slave or a free state. this helped lead to the civil war because they were argueing/fighting over what it would be. -
Ostend Manifesto
A document that suggested that we should try to purchase Cuba from Spain and if they didn't we would declare war. This would also lead to the civil war because if we did get Cuba there would be another dispute into it was going to be a slave state or a free state,and that helped lead to the civil war. -
Kansas Nebraska act
It allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders. This helped lead to the civil war because they were made slave states. -
Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott, a slave who maintained he had been emancipated as a result of having lived with his master in the free state of Illinois and in federal territory where slavery was forbidden by the Missouri Compromise. This helped lead to the civil war because it showed that congress had no power to prohibit slavery in the federal territories -
JohnBrown's Raid
Abohlitionist John Brown created a slave revolt and attacked harpers ferry but they were stopped by US soilders. This helped lead us to the civil war because this id when people started to physically oppose slaavary.