Road To Revolution Timeline

  • Period: to

    Navigation Acts

    -Say goods have to be shipped to England & penalty's will be enforced if not followed, have to pay taxes on certain goods to England & officers will enforce taxes in custom houses
    -England wanted monopoly over colonies
    -Effects: Britain had complete control over colonial trade
    -Smuggling & Salutary Neglect began b/c colonists didn't want to pay taxes & follow rules so they could build own economy
    -Began idea of colonies being self-sufficient & able to do these things on their own w/o Britain
  • Period: to

    The Great Awakening

    -Social values in colonies change
    -Material Possessions and Wealth > Spiritual values
    -Lower class citizens only held onto & controlled religion
    -Upper class fear rebellion & disobedience, felt lower class had too many rights
    -Effects: Challenged religious authority which also challenges political authority
    -Abandon Puritan Church, it declines
    -Question authority of Britain, take a closer look at actions and begin to rebel
    -Is govt. upholding social contract theory & protecting 3 natural rights
  • Period: to

    The French & Indian War

    -Causes: land competition, control of trade routes, alliance w/ tribes, etc.
    -War between French and British; both have Native allies
    -Neutral war until British increase funds, take over forts & great lakes, invade Canada, allies w/ Iroquois
    -British win
    -Treaty of Paris ends war
    -Spain, Britain take over New France
    -Effects: Colonies restricted access to land, pay for war, enforcement of laws
    -Acts are set in place to tax colonies to pay for war
    -Resistance grows = Britain's war not colonies
  • Period: to

    Sugar, Stamp, Townsend, & Quartering Acts

    Sugar Act: Taxes sugar products, lowers molasses act tax
    Stamp Act: Taxes all printed goods
    Townsend Act: Taxes glass, tea, paint, & other small goods
    Quartering Act: Colonists must house & feed British troops
    -Effects: All the acts create protest from colonies to get them repealed
    -Sons/Daughters of liberty formed
    -British goods boycotted
    -Non-importation agreement, store won't sell British goods
    -Felt rights violated & no taxation w/o representation
    -Attack soldiers, smuggling, don't pay taxes
  • Boston Massacre

    -Confrontation between British troops and colonists of Boston
    -Colonists say British fired first and that troops were ordered fire
    -Troops say colonists attacked first; were acting in self defense
    -Few people die in the incident
    -In response to acts passed earlier
    -Effect: Showed the resistance colonists had for the troops
    -Paved way for more protests, showed they could hold their own
    -More of a propaganda technique than a battle
    -Britain lays low for a few years b/c of protests from colonists
  • The Tea Act / Boston Tea Party

    -Tax on Tea
    -British East India Co. in danger of bankruptcy b/c of competition from the Dutch and poor investments
    -British wanted a monopoly on tea over the colonies
    -Colonists weren't happy about G.B. controlling their trades
    -Caused rebellious actions like the Boston Tea Party
    -The Sons of Liberty threw tea into the M.A. Bay
    -Created more resistance with the colonies against G.B.
    -G.B. sees action as threat to British rule, Boston should be punished
    -Intolerable acts placed as punishment
  • 1st Continental Congress

    -Gathered b/c of Intolerable Acts
    -Crown shut down M.A. Gov. & Boston Harbor, make colonists house troops, etc.-- to punish/isolate Boston
    -2 Questions: What are our rights? How should we defend them?
    -Create Committees of Correspondence to enforce boycotts and non-importation agreements
    -Impacts: 1st time colonies come together and question G.B.'s protection of their rights, begins the thought of what the crown is doing for them
    -Begins boycotts by colonies to prove a point to the crown
  • Lexington and Concord ("Shot Heard 'Round The World")

    -Signaled the start of the Revolutionary War
    -Militia formed in MA. the king wanted to shut down
    -King wanted to seize leaders and munitions
    -Paul Revere created a spy network to help win the battle
    -G.B. didn't do good, more deaths to G.B. than the colonists
    -Impacts: Gave colonists a morale boost, showing they have a fighting chance against the crown
    -G.B. found nothing putting them in a bad spot, showing colonists on the fence, G.B. is not protecting the colonies, almost acting against them
  • Period: to

    2nd Continental Congress

    -Discussed Independence or Reconciling w/ England, Dickinson urges reconciliation, J. Adams urges independence
    -Dickinson wins argument at first -- Olive Branch Petition
    -Petition fails to reconcile England and America, so colonists turn to J. Adams
    -Draft the Declaration of Independence
    -Impacts: Realize they need to declare independence, there will be a war
    -King sees petition as a joke, declares colonies are in state of rebellion, shows he doesn't care about the well being of the colonies
  • Declaration of Independence

    • It was the final step to separate from England and begin the Revolutionary War
    • Expressed what the Americans wanted and felt to the crown
    • This document declared the rights the colonists should have and the justification for those rights
    • Every delegate signed the Declaration other than John Dickinson
    • Passed on July 4th, 1776
    • It's impact on the crown, was it showed them the colonists weren't willing to follow England's rules anymore and they wanted the freedom and rights they deserve