Road To Revolution Timeline

  • House Of Burges #1

    -Growing political power
    -control over finances, militia, etc.
    -Local legislation
    -First form of govt. other then King
    -Upset the King
    -first freedom they had
  • Proclamation Line #2

    -Ended westward expansion
    -Forbids settlement in Ohio River Valley
    -Strictly enforced
    -¨unfair¨ to colonists
    -Very enforced rule so it was unusual for the colonists
  • Stamp Act #3

    -Tax on all printed goods
    -Strictly enforced
    -End of salutary neglect
    -Caused rebellion amongst colonists
    - Rebellion in 1766
  • Townshend Act #4

    -Tax on glass, paint, tea, etc.
    -After the repeal of the stamp act
    -similar to the stamp act
    -continued rebellion
    -illegal methods of rebellion
    -i.e tarring and feathering
  • Boston Massacre #5

    -5 People died
    -Used as propaganda
    -Started united colonists
    -Pushed the rebellion
  • Boston Tea Party #6

    -Caused an est. $1-3 million in damages
    -Caused the tea act
    -G.B. see as a threat
    - Angers the King
    -causes the tea act
  • Tea Act #7

    -Tax on tea
    -Aftermath of Boston Tea party
    -Direct trade with East India co.
    -Harder for American merchants to sell tea
  • Lexington & Concord #8

    -A small battle against Britain
    -considered a ¨win¨ for Americans
    -British plan was no longer a secret
    -273 British deaths and 95 American deaths
  • Olive Branch #9

    -Asks the king to explain their rights
    -Last attempt to not go to war
    -King saw it as a joke
    -Declared all the American colonies in a state of rebellion
    -Brought the colonies closer
    -More people wanted to go to war/ get freedom
  • Declaration of Independence #10

    -Thomas Jefferson was the author
    -Expresses how Americans fee;
    -Justifies why they are doing this
    -War with Britain
    -Some people are still unsure
    -Gain freedom after the war