Treaty of Paris
1763 the Treaty of Paris was the treaty that ended war between French and the British in the French and Indian War/ Seven Years War. Great Britain claimed rights to Ohio River valley and claimed much of its land. France disappeared from North America. -
End of the French and Indian War
War between French and their allies the Native Americans against the Great Britain over the Ohio River Valley. Ended on 1763 with the Treaty of Paris. The last fought battle was the Battle of Quebec. -
Period: to
1763 - 1783
Proclamation of 1763
A proclamation established by King George III in 1763. The purpose of this proclamation was to prevent British Colonist from establishing settlements west of the Appalachian mountains. The King of England wanted to avoid further blood shed and lower defenses cost after the Seven Years War. This made the Colonist mad however because they just won the French and Indian War claiming that land. -
Sugar Act
First law passed by Parliament to raise revenue for crown from colonies. Sugar Act increased duty on sugar from West Indies. After protest from colonies, duties were lowered, and agitation died down. -
Stamp Act
Stamp Act was a tax placed on all paper products. The stamp was to show that you actually paid your tax. Made colonist angry. -
Quartering Act
Law passed by Parliament that required colonists to provide food and quarters for British troops. Renewed anger of colonist towards mother country. -
Virginian Revolution
The Virginian assembly refused to comply with the Stamp Act. -
Declaratory Act
Law passed by Parliament that affirmed the colonies that parliament had the right “to bind” colonies in all cases whatsoever.Parliament accepts the repeal of the Stamp Act, but declares it has the right to tax the colonies. -
Townshend Revenue Acts
England places duties for colonist on tea, glass, paper, and paint to help pay for the colonies. Due to this colonist assembled and began to view this taxation without representation, was viewed with hatred from colonist. -
Boston Massacre
A clash between British troops and Colonist. Both sides were blamed for the incident but only two troops were found guilty. -
Repeal of the Townshend Revenue Act
Colonies repel the Townshend Revenue Act. England isn’t too happy but the consist are happy their victory in Parliament. However Parliament kept duties on tea to show that it maintained overall power. -
Boston Tea Party
Angered by the Tea Acts, colonial patriots disguised as the Native American tribe Mohawk throw £9,000 of East India Company tea into the Boston harbor. -
Intolerable Acts
Four measures which stripped Massachusetts of self-government and judicial independence after the Boston Tea Party passed by British Parliament. The colonies responded to this with general boycott of British goods. The four acts were the Boston Port Act, the Massachusetts Government Act, the Administration of Justice Act, and the Coercive Act. -
First Continental Congress
The first Continental Congress meeting. Meeting took place in Philadelphia. Colonial debates meet to organize opposition to the Intolerable Acts and other grievances with the motherland. 12 of the 13 colonies (Georgia didn’t attend). -
Battles of Lexington and Concord
First engagements of the Revolutionary War between British troops and Minutemen, Paul Revered warned Minutemen of attack. Colonial victory drove British back to Boston. The wire began with “ the shot around the world”. -
Start of the Revolutionary War
War began with Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts with “the shot heard round the world”. The war to separate from England began. -
George Washington commander and chief of Continental Army
George Washington was appointed commander and chief of Continental Army. Had a budget of 2 million dollars for his army. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
First major battle of Revolutionary War. British were victorious. British suffered more casualties. -
Common Sense
Written by Thomas Paine Common Sense was a brochure or pamphlet convincing the colonist of wanting to go to war with England to break away from it. It was published 9/ 1/ 1776 anonymously in Philadelphia. -
Declaration of Independence
7/4/1776 the Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence at the Second Continental Congress. Was the official letter sent the king of England to explain why they were departing for England and announcing their break away from England is the united colonies. -
Battle of Trenton
Washington stealthily recrossed the Delaware River, surprising and capturing 1,000 Hessians. A week after Washington defeated small British force at Princeton. Was a major victory for Continental Army. -
Battle of Saratoga
Made up of two crucial battles a victory for the Continental Army. Turing point for the Continental Army in the War. Britain’s expected victory in the war changed. Is one of the most important battles in the Revolutionary War and especially for the Continental Army. -
Articles of Confederation
The articles of confederation served as the first constitution of America. Didn’t stick around for very long, was soon replaced with U.S Constitution. -
Battle of Yorktown
Cornwallis fell blundered into a trap, went to Yorktown for supplies and reinforcements. British naval superiority slipped away. The battle of Yorktown was led by George Washington leading the Continental Army, Continental Army won winning the war. The Battle of Yorktown was the last battle fought in the war. Battle was on 10/ 19/ 1781. -
Treaty of Paris
The treaty that ended the Revolutionary War and declared America victorious. -
End of the Revolutionary War
Ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Continental Army was victorious from Britain.