Road to Revolution

  • Stamp Act

    This act was passed by the British Parliament. This tax was acted onto all American colonists. This required them to pay a tax on every piece of printing paper used. This included: ship's papers, newspapers, even playing cards along with legal documents. Britain felt that colonies were entitled in charging this tax because the colonies were receiving British troops helped and were to pay for this expense. Sam Adams was one of many important people in the Stamp Act.
  • Boston Massacre

    This event was basically a street fight. The street fight was between a mob of patriots and a group of British soldiers. The leading patriots of this were Paul Revere and Samuel Adams. The mob would throw many things including: stones, sticks, and snowballs. Total of 5 people were killed in this event. This helped unite the colonies against Britain. This started off as a "light" fight became a fire starter for the American Revolution. Gave Americans a desire for their independence.
  • Tea Party

    This party was a mercantile (commercial) and political protest. The protest was lead by the Sons of Liberty and this took place in Boston, Massachusetts. The result of this was the creation of the Intolerable Acts.
  • Creation of the First Continental Congress

    During this event delegates from each 13 colonies except for Georgia. This event was held in Philadelphia to organize colonial resistance. During this meeting they spoke about what they were going to about Britain's taxes and harsh treatment.
  • Creation of the Second Continental Congress

    Like the Creation of the First Continental Congress, this event was also in Philadelphia. This meeting was to talk about what and how the colonists military threat Britain. They spoke about the military action that would be taken in order to get their independence of Britain.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Kicked off the American Revolutionary War. The battles were fought on Middlesex County, Province of Massachusetts Bay, also in the towns of Lexington, Concord, Lincoln, Menotomy, and Cambridge. Hundreds of British troops marched from Boston to near Concord. The leader of the militiamen in Lexington was Captain John Parker.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    During the Battle of Bunker Hill British defeated Americans in Massachusetts. The cost of Britain defeat was: 268 solider's and officer were killed along with 828 out of 2,000 troops they had had in total. Although they had lost the colonist's gained confidence from this in thinking they'd do well.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    This petition was the last attempt from the colonist's to avoid going to war with Britain. In this document the colonist's pledged their loyalty to the crown.
  • Writing and distribution of Common Sense

    This was a pamphlet written to influence independence from Britain. Most of the population in the colonies believed in the same idea of independence.
  • Declaration of Independence

    This was the official document of independence from Britain. People stated this sour feelings toward Britain, theirs taxes and power. The colonist were also unhappy about the fact that they didn't have a say in the taxes of government.