
road to revolution

  • navigation act

    navigation act
    The english forced trade with the colonies. Selling of raw material sand finished goods could only be done between the colonie sand the england
  • Molasses Act

    a British law that imposed a tax on molasses, sugar, and rum imported from non-British foreign colonies into the North American colonies.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War: August of 1765 - Feb. of 1763

    The French and Indian War was the North American conflict in a larger imperial war between Great Britain and France known as the Seven Years' War. The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763.
  • Sugar Act: April of 1764

    Enacted on April 5, 1764, to take effect on September 29, the new Sugar Act cut the duty on foreign molasses from 6 to 3 pence per gallon, retained a high duty on foreign refined sugar, and prohibited the importation of all foreign rum.
  • Stamp Act: March of 1765

    On March 22, 1765, British Parliament finally passed the Stamp Act or Duties in American Colonies Act. It required colonists to pay taxes on every page of printed paper they used. The tax also included fees for playing cards, dice, and newspapers.