road to revolution

  • first contiental congress meets

    set up office
    created an army
    sent olive branch asking the king king hires 30000 hessean solders in
  • sugar act of 1764

    sugar act of 1764
    indirect tax out of sight =of mind
    duties on momasses and suger
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
  • midnight rid of paul revere

    midnight rid of paul revere
    paul rever riders to warn the sons of liberty in lexinton and concord thats the british are coming the british are coming ...
  • battles of lexington and concord

    battles of lexington and concord
    battle of lexington
    battle of american revoutioin war shot heard around the world
    ralph waldo emerson
    british victory
    battle of concord
    americans stop british and force to retreat back to boston
  • 1,000's of redcoats in boston

    1,000's of redcoats in boston
    genearal gage brings thousands of british solders to boston with more on the way
  • capture of fort ticonderoga

    benedict aronld and eathan all capture the fort get all supplies in tbhe fort inclodintg cannons
  • the second continental congress meet

    the formed clamiteys the created the army print
    set up post office
  • battle of bunker hill

    fought of breeds hill dont fire untill you see whites of their eyes
  • washington arrives on outskirts boston with conimental troops

    realizes men are disornized and need discoplin
    need wapens
  • second coental congress meet again

    debate delcaring inpendedice
    thomas jefferson is the primary author of the docmunet