Road to Revolution

By Yulian
  • End of the War

    With the treaty of Paris being signed in 1763, came the end of the 7 Years War.
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    Pontiac's Rebellion

    Native Americans aren't satisfied with British Rule lead to the Rebellion lead by a leader named Pontiac. Three years later Pontiac signed a treaty but did not surrender.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The British Parliament states that no settlement can occur in the west of the Appalachian Mountains..
  • Sugar Act

    With the sugar act brough a lot of controversy. Tax on importing sugar,wine, and coffee. Controversy as some officials could come and seize all the sugar someone had and end there buisness.
  • Stamp Act

    All legal documents would need stamp tax, the small group of people this would effect would be the rich and educated citizens.
  • Quartering Act

    Colonists would have to supply troops(army) with housing,food,drinks, and much more. Colonists were enraged, a lot of them believed this was to decrease the colonists freedom. Colonists would refuse to comply with this act.
  • Virginia Resolves

    The Virginia Resolves were a set of solutions and the most important ones in the Stamp Act. One of the solutions was to deny the Paraliment's right to tax colonies.
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    Stamp Act Congress

    The congress reached out to the government through letter requesting tax. This would be a crucial step to unite colonies against the British.
  • Repeal of Stamp Act

    The colonies would apply a lot of pressure, and the money the British were recieving was very little due to boycotts would result to the outcome desired by the colonies. The Paraliment would revoke the stamp act.
  • Townshend Acts

    English taxes on the colonists for products.
  • Boston Massacre

    A fight broke out with colonists and a group of armed soldiers that resulted in the death of five people
  • Declaratory Act

    Britian passes a law that states they have the right to tax the citizens.