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road to revolution

  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    -there were 55 delegates meeting in philadelphia for this meeting
    -Patrick Henry wanted the colonies to unite against britain
    -the delegates got to vote to boycott british trades
    -12/13 colonies have representatives, the one that doesn't is Georgia
  • 1,000's of Redcoats in Boston

    1,000's of Redcoats in Boston
    -some of the militias were also known as minutemen
    -general gage brought thousands of british soldiers to boston, with more on the way
    -general gage also ordered his men to destroy all ammunition and artillery that they could find after he found out where the militia stored their weapons
  • Midnight ride of Paul Revere

    Midnight ride of Paul Revere
    -paul revere rides around to warn the sons of liberty that the british are coming
    -a british rider captured two people including paul revere and dawes
    -the redcoats marched and approached lexington at dawn
    -the fight was very un numbered
    -there was a shot fired from a gun, no one knows what side it was from but then they all started shooting and having an exchange of bullets
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    -they exchanged bullets and started fighting
    -when the redcoats finally reached their destination (boston) a lot of them were wounded and/or dead
    -the battle of lexington the british had a victory
    -this was the first battle of the american revolutionary war
  • Capture of Fort Ticonderoga

    Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
    -this was an american victory
    -they got all the supplies in the fort including cannons
    -2 people captured the fort these two people being Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen
    -Arnold became a traitor later and helped the british
  • Second Continental Congress Meet

    Second Continental Congress Meet
    -there were several new delegates to come to the meeting that didn't come to the first
    -they set up post office
    -printing of money
    -the continental army that was led by george washington was created
    -John Hancock was the head leader
    -Olive branch was sent to ask the king to protect their rights
    -The king ends up hiring 30,000 hessian soldiers in response to their request
  • battle of bunker kill

    battle of bunker kill
    -they fought on breeds hill
    -this was a british victory because the americans ran out of ammunition
    -the british finally realized that defeating the americans would be a lot more difficult than they thought
  • Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with continental troops

    Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with continental troops
    -they need weapons
    -they lacked discipline and the men were disorganized
    -they reached boston a few weeks after the battle at bunker hill
    -washington took the job of turning armed civilians into soldiers
  • "common sense" published by thomas paine

    "common sense" published by thomas paine
    -the pamphlet that paine puts out makes more colonists become patriots
    -"everything that is right or reasonable pleads for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, 'TIS TIME TO PART" -Thomas Paine, Common Sense
  • British Surrender Boston

    British Surrender Boston
    -washington has everything he needs and believes that his army of soldiers is ready
    -washington put cannons on Dorchester heights over boston
    -he is inspired and really does believe that they can do it
    -american victory
  • Second Continental congress meets again

    Second Continental congress meets again
    -they had a debate on declaring independence
    -the primary document for the meeting's author is thomas jefferson
  • second continental congress votes for independence

    second continental congress votes for independence
    -all 13 of the colonies voted yes for declaring independence
    -jefferson agreed to write the first draft to the decloration of independence
  • the declaration of independence is signed

    the declaration of independence is signed