The lexington raising the flag

Road to Revolution.

  • Navigation Act

    Navigation Act
    The Navigation Act told the colonists that they had to trade with only England even if they got a better deal somewhere else.
  • Molasses Act: December of 1733

    Molasses Act: December of 1733
    it taxed molasses by forcing the colonial merchants to pay six pence per gallon of molasses. that did not go well for the British.
  • Fort necessity

    Fort necessity
    Fort Necessity was built in hopes of defending Pennsylvania from the French and Indians because they had forts in the area.
  • French and Indian War: August of 1756 - Feb. of 1763

    French and Indian War: August of 1756 - Feb. of 1763
    The French fought the British and the British fought the French. The native Americans fought the British and colonists (British)
  • French and Indian War: August of 1756 - Feb. of 1763

    French and Indian War: August of 1756 - Feb. of 1763
    the french and Indian war ended. the British are in a lot of debt so they start taxing the colonies.
  • Sugar Act: April of 1764

    Sugar Act: April of 1764
    it taxed all imported sugar. because they were in debt because of the french and Indian war they had to start taxing the colonies on stuff.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    it was a tax on all imported paper from England to the colonies. they had to repeal the tax because it was doing more harm than good.
  • Townshend Act Sept 1767

    Townshend Act Sept 1767
    the tax on tea, glass, paint, lead, and, paper
  • Boston massacre March 5th 1770

    Boston massacre March 5th 1770
    The colonists antagonized the British by mocking them and throwing rocks, snowballs, CLUBS, oyster shells, and more at the soldiers. one of the soldiers fell and his gun fired and the rest of the soldiers fired killing five and injuring three.
  • The Coercive Acts of 1774

    The Coercive Acts of 1774
    it was a tax that punished the citizens of Boston for the Boston Tea Party.
  • May 1774 - General Thomas Gage takes over Boston

    May 1774 - General Thomas Gage takes over Boston
    General Gage took over as Massachusetts governor.
  • September 1774 - First Continental Congress

    September 1774 - First Continental Congress
    they agreed to send a letter to the king of England. king George the Third did not like this.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    this was an act that allowed the British troops to live in your house. as well as force you to make them breakfast and shine their boots.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    it added more territory to Quebec which made it hard for the colonists to leave the colonies. and that meant that they could not go any further north.
  • Paul Revere's Ride

    Paul Revere's Ride
    Paul Revere rode along the Boston coastline to warn the militiamen that the British were coming to Lexington. there was another man who went a different route and his name was William Dawe.
  • battle of Lexington and Concord

    battle of Lexington and Concord
    it was two battles that started the Revolutionary War because General Gage received the orders to stage any guns and rebels he found. the colonists found out and they were waiting for the British at both Lexington and concord.
  • May 10th 1775 - Fort Ticonderoga

    May 10th 1775 - Fort Ticonderoga
    Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen combined their troops and took fort ticonderoga by dressing as British soldiers. Benedict Arnold did not get the credit he wanted so he would later change sides a become a British soldier.
  • May 10th 1775 - 1781 - Second Continental Congress

    May 10th 1775 - 1781 - Second Continental Congress
    they made the olive branch petition as well as making George Washington the general of the Continental Army. later they would make the DOI (declaration of independence)
  • June 16th, 1775 - Battle of Bunker Hill

    June 16th, 1775 - Battle of Bunker Hill
    The British sent three waves of soldiers to attack Breeds Hill. all of the ammunition was on Bunker Hill and on the third wave the British took Bunker Hill and Breeds hill.
  • olive branch petition

    olive branch petition
    the olive branch petition was the last peaceful way of saying we want to be treated as English citizens or we will go to war with you. King George the Third did not take this seriously.
  • Declaratory Acts March 1776

    Declaratory Acts March 1776
    it made the colonies depend on England more
  • George Washington takes back boston.

    George Washington takes back boston.
    Washington placed 60 cannons around Boston and forced General Gage and his men out of Boston. this was a patriot victory because they took back the biggest city of patriots.
  • Hessian Soldiers are hired by King George III

     Hessian Soldiers are hired by King George III
    April 27th 1776
  • DOI is signed

    DOI is signed
    The members of Congress decided to separate from England. They did this with the document called the Declaration of Independence.