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Road to Revolution 5.3 & 5.4

  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    • Every colony except Georgia (12 out of 13) attended a meeting.
    • Patrick Henry wanted freedom from Britain and urged people to unite against Britain.
    • Delegates vote to boycott all Britain's trading.
    • Colonies have a name: America
  • 1,000's of Redcoats in Boston

    1,000's of Redcoats in Boston
    • General Gage brings thousands of British soldiers to Boston w/ more on the way.
    • America had a militia
    • America's militia started training and storing weapons such as bullets.
    • One of the British soldiers writes in their diary about how the (bostonians) were ready for a fight.
  • Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

    Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
    • Protest leader Dr. Joseph Warren saw that British soldiers were marching out of Boston.
    • Warren told Paul Revere and William Dawes, who were members of the Sons of Liberty.
    • Revere & Dawes rode to Lexington to warn the people that the British were coming. "The British are coming the British are coming"
  • Battles of Lexington & Concord

    Battles of Lexington & Concord
    Battle of Lexington -
    - 1st American Revolutionary War battle
    - 70 minutemen were awaiting the arrival of the British troops
    - Someone fired, no one knows who (or what side), but they did.
    - British forces won the battle
    - 8 minutemen died
    - battle of Lexington starts
    Battle of Concord -
    - British forces continued to Concord.
    - Short battle
    - 174 people were wounded
    - 73 dead
  • Capture of Fort Ticonderoga

    Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
    • British forces spread fast
    • A captain, Benedict Arnold raised a 400 men force to take control over fort Ticonderoga, which was rich in military supplies.
    • Arnold found out that Ethan Allen planned to attack the fort too.
    • Arnold and Allen join forces
    • Green Mountain Boys
    • Arnold becomes a traitor to the Patriots
    • Arnold sold military info to Britain
    • People found out he was a traitor and he fled to New York, which was controlled by British forces.
  • Second Continental Congress meet

    Second Continental Congress meet
    • Delegates meet up:John & Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, George Washington, and more new people. -Currency printing -Post office set up -Continental Army -Continental Army led by George Washington -George Washington left Philadelphia to take charge of forces of Boston -Delegates offered Britain a last chance to avoid war, sent a petition, called the Olive Branch Petition, to King George the third. -King denies it and hires 30,000 Hessian Soldiers to fight with British soldiers.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    • Setting: Breed's Hill
    • More colonists joined America's militias
    • William Prescott was the commander
    • William Prescott told the patriots not to "fire until you see the whites of their eyes"
    • Redcoats assembled at Breed's Hill
    • British forces won
  • Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with Continental troops

    Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with Continental troops
    • Washington figures out that his army isn't properly trained and is disorganized.
    • They desperately need weapons
    • Congress found out that British troops were moving to Canada and planned to take over New York
    • Washington arrived at Boston
  • "Common Sense" published by Thomas Paine

    "Common Sense" published by Thomas Paine
    • Pamphlet inspires more colonists to become patriots
    • "Everything that is right or reasonable pleads for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, 'TIS TIME TO PART" - Thomas Paine, Common Sense
  • British Surrender Boston

    British Surrender Boston
    • Washington thinks his army is ready & weapons arrive
    • Washington puts cannons on Dorchester Heights that were overlooking Boston
    • American victory
  • Second Continental Congress meet again

    Second Continental Congress meet again
    • Congress debates on declaring independence
    • Thomas Jefferson is the primary author of the document
    - More seats filled with Virginians than other colonies
  • Second Continental Congress votes for Independence

    Second Continental Congress votes for Independence
    • All 13 colonies vote YES on declaring independence
    • John Adams asked Thomas Jefferson to write the first draft of the Declaration of Independence
  • The Declaration of Independence is signed!

    The Declaration of Independence is signed!
    • Declaration of Independence is signed
    • 4th of July
    • "We hold these truths to be held self-evident that all men are created equal..."