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Road to Revolution 5.3 & 5.4

  • Continental Congress

    Continental Congress
    fifty-five delegates met up in Philadelphia to form a political body that would challenge British control.
  • Delegates vote

    Delegates vote
    Delegates discussed complaints they had against the British and decided to call for the repeal of 13 acts and planned on boycotting British trade and not importing/using British goods or exporting them to Great Britain.
  • Period: to

    Fight Prep

    Colonists start building up ammunition and weapons to prepare for war.
  • Second Continental Congress meets

    Second Continental Congress meets
    The Second Continental Congress met, they made the Continental Army (led by George Washington) and they sent the King an Olive Branch Petition asking him to protect the colonists rights.
  • Washington arrived on Boston outskirts.

    Washington arrived on Boston outskirts.
    General Washington arrived on the outskirts of Boston with the Continental troops, he realized the the troops are diagnosed and need discipline. They are also in need of weapons.
  • Thomas Paine published "Common Sense"

    Thomas Paine published "Common Sense"
    Common Sense persuaded more of the colonists to become patriotic. “Every thing that is right or reasonable pleads for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, ‘TIS TIME TO PART” -Thomas Paine, Common Sense.
  • The British surrendered Boston

    The British surrendered Boston
    Washington's weapons arrived and he thinks they're ready for war.
    Washington had placed cannons to overlook Boston.
    The British retreated, resulting in Americas victory.
  • Second Continental Congress meeting

    Second Continental Congress meeting
    They had a debate on whether they should try to declare their independence or not, Thomas Jefferson is the primary author.
  • Voting on independence

    Voting on independence
    The Second Continental Congress voted and every colony agreed "yes" to declaring their independence from Britain.
  • Declaration of Independence is signed!

    Declaration of Independence is signed!
    They make their independence from Great Britain official.