Road to revolution 5.3 5.4

  • Sugar act

    Sugar act
    The sugar act was where the government taxed tea and molasses. People did not like this because they had to pay extra money so they could buy and sell those things.
  • Stamp act.

    Stamp act.
    The stamp act was where colonists had to pay taxes on stamps, letters, etc. Colonists reacted very quickly because they did not want to pay taxes on papers.
  • Declaratory Act.

    Declaratory Act.
    The declaration Act was where the Parliament declares that it has the power to make any laws for the colony "In all cases what so ever."
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    the Townshend Acts was where the British Parliament passed a series of laws that taxes on glass, lead paints, paper, and tea would be taxed.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The British soldiers fired on a protesting crowd. The protesters insulted the British soldiers. The British had weapons and the protesters had rocks and crops.
  • Colonist vs British Troops

    Colonist vs British Troops
    On March 5 1770 a soldier struck a colonist
    The crowd gathers and hassles soldier throwing snowballs and shouting rude insults.
    More troops arrive, colonist get more and more angry "Fire if you dare!!"
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The tea act was where the British east India Company could sell their tea directly to colonists. It was not a tax and lower prices than smuggling tea.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Members of Sons of liberty Dump over 340 chests of tea into Boston Harbor.
    This Caused problems for loyalists/Tories.
    A Loyalist/Tory is a person in the Colony who remains "Loyal" to the King & Great Britain.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Acts were passed to punish Boston for the Tea party. The Boston Harbor was closed until the tea was paid for. The Massachusetts charter was also cancelled.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act was where colonists were required to house soldiers. "If a soldier comes knocking at the door, you're sleeping on the floor."
  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    The first continental congress was a meeting of delegates. Only 12 of the 13 colonies that met to deal with the Intolerable Acts. Georgia was the only colony that did not send a representative to the Congress. They agreed to boycott British goods at first, if Parliament would not repeal the Intolerable Acts.
  • "Common Sense" published by Thomas Paine.

    "Common Sense" published by Thomas Paine.
    Pamphlet inspired even more colonists to become Patriots.
    "Everything that is right or reasonable pleads for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of the nature cries.
  • 1,000's of Redcoats in Boston

    1,000's of Redcoats in Boston
    General Gage Brought thousands of British Soldiers from Boston with a way more on the way!
  • Midnight ride of Paul Revere

    Midnight ride of Paul Revere
    Paul Revere rode his horse to warn the Sons of Liberty that were at Lexington and Concord that the "British are coming!!
  • Battle of Lexington & Concord

    Battle of Lexington & Concord
    -It was the first battle of the American Revolutionary War
    Ralph Waldo Emerson said "Shots were heard around the world."
    -The British had Sadly won.
    -The Battle of concord
    The Americans stopped the British and made them retreat back to Boston.
  • Capture of Fort Ticonderoga

    Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
    Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen captured the fort and gained all the supplies in the fort therefore the AMERICANS WON AGAIN.
  • Second Continental Congress meet

    Second Continental Congress meet
    They Printed money
    They set up a post office.
    They created a Continental Army Led by George Washington.
    They sent Olive Branch asking king to protect their rights .
    The king hires more than 30,000 Hessians Soldiers in a response.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    They Fought on Breed's Hill.
    The British had won because the American army ran out of ammo. The British learn that defeating Americans Would NOT be very easy at all!!
  • Washington arrives on Outskirts of Boston with Continental Troops

    Washington arrives on Outskirts of Boston with Continental Troops
    George Washington realized that the men were not very organized and that they needed some discipline.
    They also needed some weapons in order to fight.
  • British Surrender Boston.

    British Surrender Boston.
    Washington believed that his army was ready to fight and the weapons they were going to use had arrived.
    George Washington put his cannons on the top of Dorchester Heights overlooking the Boston area
    The British did not want to fight - The AMERICANS WIN!!
  • Second Continental congress meet again.

    Second Continental congress meet again.
    They debated if they should declare independence. Thomas Jefferson was the main person that wrote the document.
  • Second Continental Congress Votes for independence

    Second Continental Congress Votes for independence
    All of the 13 colonies said yes and that they wanted independence!! They wanted their freedom!!
  • The Declaration of Independence is signed.

    The Declaration of Independence is signed.
    Thomas Jefferson signed the DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE!!