second continental congress meet
print $$$$
set up post office
created continental ambled by George Washington
sent olive branch asking kings to protect their rights
kings hire 30,000 Hessian Soldiers -
Washington arrives on outskirts
Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with continental troops
Realizes men are disorganized need discipline
need weapons JULY 15 , 1775 ( 07/15/1775 -
common sense published by thomas Paine
pa phlet inspires more colonists to become patriots Every thing that is right or resonable pleads for separation. The blood of sklain, the part - THOMAS PAINE < COMMON SENSE -
British Surrender Boston
British Surrender boston
washington belives his amry is ready& weapons arrive
Washington puts cannons on dorchester Heights overlooking boston
British retreat- AMERICAN VICTORY
MARCH 17, 1776(03/17/1776 -
seond continental congress meet again
debate on declaring independence Thomas Jefferson is the primary author of the document -
second continental congress votes for independence
The declartion of independence is sign