Continental Congress Meets
1.All colonies but Georgia has representatives
2.Voted to send a "statement of grievance
3.Voted to Boycott all British Trade -
Thousands of Redcoats in Boston
General Gage brings thousands if British soldiers to Boston with more on the way -
Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
Paul Revere rides to warn the Sons of Liberty in Lexington and Concord that the "British are coming....The British are coming..." -
Second Continental Congress Meet
- Print Money 2.Set Up Post Office
- Created A Continental Army Lead by George Washington\
- Sent Olive Branch Petition Asking King George lll to Protect Their Rights
- King Hires 30,000 Hessian's Soldiers In Response
Washington Arrives On Outskirts Of Boston With Continental Troops
- Realizes men are disorganized and need discipline
- Need weapons
"Common Sense" published by Thomas Paine
- Pamphlet inspires more colonist to become patriots
- "Everything that is right or reasonable pleads for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, 'TIS TIME TO PART"-Thomas Paine, Common Sense
British Surrender Boston
- Washington believes his army is ready and weapons arrive
- Washington puts cannons on Dorchester Heights overlooking Boston
- British retreat-American victory
Second Continental Congress Meet Again
- Debate on declaring independence
- Thomas Jefferson is the primary author of the document
Second Contiental Congress Votes For Independence
- All 13 colonies vote YES on declaring independence
- All 13 colonies vote YES on declaring independence
The Declartion Of Indepence Is Signed