road to revolution 5.3 5.4

  • sugar act

    sugar act
    Britain forced a law that makes American colonists to have taxes on sugar and molasses
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    Britain forced stamps on a lot of things to prove you have payed your tax for it
  • declaratory act

    declaratory act
    parliament had decided that they will have power over the colonists no matter what and that they could make the laws
  • town shed act

    town shed act
    the townshed act forced colonists to pay tax for glass,lead, and paint
  • The Boston massacre

    The Boston massacre
    The massacre of the colonists in Boston from Britain because a mob of colonists were protesting, it all started because a solider struck a colonist and people gathered around and started throwing stuff that the soldiers, killing 5 colonists, one of them was christmas attucks who was a african american, he was the first to die.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    Members of sons of liberty dumped 340 chests worth of tea (92000 pounds)(1 million dollars)
  • tea act

    tea act
    the tea act allowed BEIC to sell to colonists
  • intolerable act

    intolerable act
    The intolerable act was passed to punish boston for the tea party
  • quartering act

    quartering act
    The colonists were forced to give the soldiers shelter and food
  • first continental congress

    first continental congress
    1774 sept 5 first continental congress the first congress was a meeting of 12-13 British colonies that met to deal with the intolerable act. only georgia didnt send a representative.
  • 1000's of redcoats in Boston

    1000's of redcoats in Boston
    The american colonists had sent alot of millitias, in Massachusetts they would make their own weapons and train on their own and general gage brings thousands of British soldiers to Boston with way more on the way,Gage wanted to take the miliitias weapons,
  • Midnight ride of paul revere

    Midnight ride of paul revere
    Paul rides to warn the sons of liberty in Lexington and concord that the British are coming.The minute men were about to give up but someone shot and the fight started, only 8 minute men died, the British were going to concord and were attack,the British go back to Boston and they had around 164 injurys,The ameican colonists had won
  • Lexington and concord

    Lexington and concord
    The fight between Britain and colonists that ended in the colonists victory after the militia they had trained 39 were wounded and 49 killed
  • Second continental congress meet

    Second continental congress meet
    They had printed money and set up a post office than they had created a continental army led by George Washington and they sent Olive Branch to ask the king to protect their rights
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    the colonists had made a strategic passageway through north Canada and the colonists had stole most of Britain artillery
  • Battle of bunker hill

    Battle of bunker hill
    "dont fire until you see the whites of their eyes"-william prescott, it was sadly a British victory and the americans ran out of ammunition, the British learned it would not be easy getting rid of the Americans
  • Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with continental troops

    Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with continental troops
    Washington had realized men are disorganized and need to have some discipline, they had also needed weapons,
  • Common sense" published by thomas paine

    Common sense" published by thomas paine
    The pamphlet inspires more colonists to become patriots saying "every thing that is right or reasonable pleads for separation, the blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries,tis time to part"-Thomas Paine, common sense
  • British surrender Boston

    British surrender Boston
    Washington believed his army was ready and the weapons had arrived, Washington put cannons on dorchester heights while overlooking Boston,the British retreat and the Americans win
  • Second continental congress meet again

    Second continental congress meet again
    a debate on declaring independence and Thomas Jefferson it the primary author of the document
  • The declaration of independence is signed

    The declaration of independence is signed
    Freedom is now a thing in MERICA
  • Second continental congress votes for independence

    Second continental congress votes for independence
    all 13 colonies vote yes on declaring the dacloration