Road to revolution 5.3 & 5.4

  • continental congress meets

    /All colonies but Georgia have representatives
    /voted to send a "statement of grievances"
    /voted to boycott all british trade
    /Patrick Henry - VA rep. urged colonists to unite against Britain
  • capture of fort ticonderoga

  • 1,000's of redcoats in Boston

    • General Gage brings thousands of british soldiers to Boston with more on the way
  • the midnight ride of paul revere

    paul Revere tides to warn the sons of Liberty in Lexington and Concord that the "British are coming.. the british are coming..."
  • second continental congress meet

    print$ set up post office created continental army led by George Washington
    sent Olive Branch asking King to protect their rights king hires 30000 Hessians Soldiers in response
  • battle of Bunker hill

    fought on breeds hill
    wierdest of all fights
  • washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with continental

    men are disorganized a & need discipline
    need weapons
  • british surrender boston

    washington believes his army is ready & weapons arrive
    washington puts cannons on Dorchester Hights overlooking Boston
    BRITISH retreat - AMERICAN Victory