Mah boi sam adams

road to revolution

  • continental congress

    • all colonists but georgia have representatives.
    • voted to send a "statement of grievances."
    • voted to boycott all british trade.
    • patrick henry urged colonists to unite.
  • midnight ride of paul revere

    • paul revere warns sons of liberty in lexington and concord that the british are coming.
  • battles of lexington and concord

    first battles, victory on both sides.
  • second continental congress meet

    print $, make post office.
    send olive branch petition, get rejected
  • second continental congress meets

    make $$$. set up post office. created continental army.
  • washington arrives at boston

    realizes that the men need training
  • common sense is published by thomas paine

    pamphlet inspires more people to be colonists.
  • british surrender boston

    washington believes weapons are ready
    uses the high ground
  • second continental congress meet again

    debate on declaring independence
    declaration of independence is signed
  • second continental congress vote for independance

  • declaration of independence is signed!

  • 1,000s of redcoats in boston.

    • general gage brings thousands of soldiers to boston with more on the way.