Road to Revolution

  • Period: to

    The French and Indian War

    [social cause][Economic cause + [long term]
    A war between Britain and French mainly on N.A. with Indian allies on both sides.
  • proclamation of independence of 1763

    [social cause] + [long term]
    forbid westward expansion of American colonies
  • sugar act

    [economic&social cause] + [long term]
    first law passed by British parliament to raise tax on colonies, increased duty on foreign sugar imported from the w.i.

    [economic&social cause] + [long term]
    order colonies to provide food and quarters for British troops
  • stamp act

    [economic&socialcause] + [long term]
    posed tax on papers, and aroused protests&debate
  • declaratory act

    [political]+[long term,]
    reaffirmed parliament's right to bind the colonies in all cases whatsoever, which resulted in further conflicts and shaped British policies toward Americans after that.
  • Townshend acts

    [economic cause] + [long term]
    posed tax on glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea
  • Boston massacre

    [political&social cause] + [short term]
    the crowd attacked redcoats and the redcoats fired, which was then depicted as a massacre by social media
  • All Townshend Acts except Tea tax repealed

    [social cause]+[long term]
    All Townshend Acts except Tea tax repealed
  • Samuel Adams

    [social&political]+[long term]
    Enlarged flame and anger for Boston Massacre with propaganda, and he organized committees of correspondence in 1772.
  • Boston tea party

    [political&social&economic cause]+[short long term]
    angry Bostonians threw tea from British East India company to the sea as a burst of anger, which resulted in more repressive action on British side.
  • tea act

    [economic cause] + [long term]
    required colonies to pay tea tax for more profit
  • Hutchinson

    Governor of Boston, Hutchinson provoked Boston Tea party
  • the intolerable acts

    [political&social cause]+[long term]
    punished colonies for Boston tea party and further restricted their' rights
  • Quebec act

    [social cause] + [short term]
    it was erroneously regarded in English-speaking America as part of the British reaction to the turbulence in Boston, but in fat it was a good law in bad company
  • First continental congress

    [political&social cause] + [long term]
    delegates from 12 colonies (without Georgia) met to come up with a unified approach towards Britain.
  • Lexington and concord

    [political]+[short term]
    notes the began of A.R.
  • stamp act congress of 1765

    [political cause] + [short term]
    brought together delegates from 9 colonies and they beseeched the king and parliament to repeal the acts