
Road to Revolution

  • The first Continental Congress

    The first Continental Congress
    Twelve of the thirteenth Colonies had come, Georgia was the one who didn't send a representative. Patrick Henry wanted resistance against Britain. (Patrick Henry was one of Virginia's representatives). They voted to boycott all British trade. They also voted in a "statement of grievances" to repeal the 13 acts of parliament. Militias were a important part of each towns defense.
  • 1,000's of Redcoats in Boston

    1,000's of Redcoats in Boston
    Each member was required to provide their own weapon and ammunition. The thought that if there was a fight that it would be in New England. In Massachusetts militias held drills. made bullets,, and stockpiled weapons. Some militias were known as minute men. General Gage brings thousands of British soldiers to Boston with more on the way. Gage also had orders to seize the weapons from the Massachusetts militia and arrest its leaders
  • Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

    Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
    Paul Revere rides to warn the Sons of Liberty In Lexington and Concord that the "British are coming... The British are coming..."
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    At dawn the redcoats approached Lexington. There were about 70 minute men waiting. The minute men were about to give way to the redcoats but then a shot was fired. After all the shooting 8 minute men laid dead. The British continued to Concord. The Americans ended up stopping the British and forced them to retreat back to Boston.
  • Capture of For Ticonderoga

    Capture of For Ticonderoga
    Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen capture the fort. They got all the supplies in the fort including the cannons. Americans had the victory. Later Arnold became a traitor to the patriots.
  • Second Continental Congress meet

    Second Continental Congress meet
    John and Samuel Adams and George Washington, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry lee. Benjamin Franklin was also there he was one of the most respected men in the colonies. Some of the things they did to begin governing, they printed money and set up a post office, with Franklin in charge. John Hancock was the president of the second continental congress. They sent the king the olive branch asking to protect their rights but he rejected it. King hires 30,000 hessian soldiers in response
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Fought on Breeds Hill. "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes" - William Prescott. the British had the Victory (Americans had run out of ammunition). But the British learned that it would not be easy to defeat the Americans. It wasn't just a war it was also a civil war it was the patriots against the loyalists.
  • Washington arrives on the outskirts of Boston with Continental troops

    Washington arrives on the outskirts of Boston with Continental troops
    Washington realized that his men were disorganized and they need discipline so they aren't ready for war. They also need weapons
  • Common sense published by thomas paine

    Common sense published by thomas paine
    The pamphlet inspires more colonists to become patriots. It called for a complete break from the british. "Everything that is ight and resonable pleads for separation the blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, TIS TIME TO PART
  • British surrender Boston

    British surrender Boston
    Washington believes his army if finally ready and his weapons arrive. He moved so that they were watching over boston. It suprised the british but they left to canada
  • Second Continental Congress votes for independence

    Second Continental Congress votes for independence
    All 13 colonies voted yes on declaring independence. Locke expressed the idea that people are born with natural rights to life liberty and property.
  • The declaration of independence is signed.

    The declaration of independence is signed.
    They sighed the declaration. John Hancock signed it first. They did many things to show their joy.
  • Second continental congress meet again

    Second continental congress meet again
    They have a debate on declaring independence. While the delegates debated they wrote a routh draft. Thomas jefferson was the main author of the document.