Road to Revolution

By EAC22
  • Bacon's Rebellion

  • Bacon's Rebellion

  • Great Awakening

  • Great Awakening

  • French and Indian War

  • Albany Plan of Union

  • French and Indian War

  • Pontiac's Rebellion

  • Treaty of Paris

  • Proclamation Line of 1763

  • Sugar Act

    1. Britain did wanted the colonies to only trade sugar with them
    2. Taxed sugar and molasses, stopped trade with Dutch, French and Spain, colonial economy was disrupted
    3. Merchants protested and boycotted British luxury goods, and found ways to increase colonial manufacturing
  • Stamp Act

    1. To claim more revenue to pay off Great Britain's war debt from the French and Indian War and to raise money for British troops who were stationed in North America
    2. Taxed all legal documents and they required a stamp of approval
    3. Protests in Boston, Sons of Liberty were formed, government houses were burned and looted
  • Quartering Act

    1. To keep British soldiers in the colonies
    2. Required colonists to let soldiers in their homes if they needed to be, Britain suspended NY Assembly
    3. NY Assembly is punished for not complying
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

  • Townshend Acts

    1. To pay for the salaries of governors and judges
    2. Tax on tea, glass, and other goods, search and seize houses and ships, and Boston Massacre
    3. Highly unpopular
  • Boston Massacre

  • Boston Tea Party

  • Coercive Act

    1. Boston Tea Party
    2. Administering of Justice, Boston ports closed, Quartering Act expanded, and British official would be tried in British courts
    3. Rebelled
  • First Continental Congress