Us history 1 720x388

Road to Revolution

  • The First Continential Congress

    The First Continential Congress
    -Every colony but Georgia had a representative sent to the meeting
    -12 of the 13 colonies showed up to the meeting.
    -Patrick Henry wanted the colonies to come together in frim resistance
    -The delegates voted for the repeal of 13 acts of Parliament.
    -They believed the laws went against the "laws of nature"
  • 1000's of Redcoats in Boston

    1000's of Redcoats in Boston
    -Lots of colonists believed fighting with the British, would have to happen in New England
    -Some militias were called minutemen
    -Gage ordered to seize weapons form the Massachusetts militia and arrest the leaders
    - Gage ordered that is "where you will seize and destory all of the artillery and ammunation you can find"
    -Protest leader Dr. Joseph strolled through Boston.
  • Midnight ride of Paul Revere

    Midnight ride of Paul Revere
    -At dawn, the redocats headed towards Lexington
    -The redcoats rain into 70 minuteman in Lexington
    -When the shooting ended, there was 8 minutemen laying dead
    -The minutemen were ready for the redcoats to come that night
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    -By the time the shooting ended, 8 minutemen were dead
    -Along the way, colonist hid behind trees and fired on the soldiers
    -By the time redcotas reached their destination, 174 were wonded and 73 were dead.
    - 60 years later, Ralph Emerson worte that the Americans at Lexington and Concord fired the "shot heard 'round the world."
    -The battle of independence has started
  • Capture of Fort Ticonderoga

    Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
    -After the fight with Lexington and Concord, armed fights with British forces quickly spread
    -The Connecticut militia raised a force of 400 to seize Fort Ticonderoga near lake Champlain
    -Arnold became a traitor to the Patriot cause.
  • Second Continental Congress Meet

    Second Continental Congress Meet
    -In 1774 the congress agreed to meet again if the British did not complain
    -The dispute between British and the colonies had gotten worse
    -Benjamin Franklin held with the stamp act
    -Printed money
    -set up post office
    -created Continental Army led by George Washington
    -John Hancock was the leader
    -"Olive Branch Petition"
    -German troops were called Hessians and there were 30,000 soldiers in response
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    -After the battle, more volunteers joined the militias
    -Boston numbered about 20,000 people more strong
    -The British remained in control of the city
    -"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes." Ordered Prescott
    -The Battle of Bunker Hill was a British victory
    -The British quickly learned that fighting the Americans would not be easy
    -The American war was not just a fight between the British and America, it was also a civil war
    -The Patriots supported the War
  • Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with Continental troops

    Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with Continental troops
    -American attack on Quebec, led by Benedict Arnold, failed.
    - Realized men needed to be disciplined cause of disorganization
    -needed more weapons
    -William Howe commanded his soldiers to board ships and withdraw from attacking Boston
  • "Common Sense" published by Thomas Paine

    "Common Sense" published by Thomas Paine
    -Support for independence was still growing
    -In Janurary of 1776, Paine published a pamphlet called "Common Sense"
    -The pamphlet greatly influenced opinions
    -"Every thing tat is right or reasonable pleads for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, 'TIS TIME TO PART"-Thomas Paine, Common sense
  • British Surrender Boston

    British Surrender Boston
    -Washington thinks his army is ready to fight correctly
    - Washington puts cannons over Dorchester Heights ready to attack Boston
    -American win over British retreat
  • Second Continental Congress meet Again

    Second Continental Congress meet Again
    -Debate on delcaring independence
    -Arguments that independence should not be declared
    -Thomas Jefferson is the primary author of the document
  • Second Continental Congress votes for independence

    Second Continental Congress votes for independence
    -All 13 colonies vote yes on delcaring independence
    -Jefferson agreed he would do the writing for the great project
    -People form governments to protect those rights and a government interfering with those rights could rigthfully be overthrown.
    -56 delegates signed a document announcing the brith of the United States
  • The Declaration of Independence is signed!

    The Declaration of Independence is signed!
    -Decleration of independence date should be a national holiday, celebrated as independence day