Road to Revolution

By HD2022
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Cause: The cause of Bacon's Rebellion was because Governor Berkeley refused to retaliate for the Indian attacks against the colonists.
    Definition: It was when Bacon gathered people to revolt for high taxes, low prices for tobacco, and failure to protect the English colonies from Indian attacks.
  • Great Awakening

    Cause: The men in Europe and America questioned the role of religion and society.
    Definition: A period of great revivalism that spread throughout the colonies.
    Impact: It pushed individual religion experience over established church doctrine, thereby decreasing the importance and weight of the clergy and the church in many instances. New denominations arose or grew in numbers as a results of the emphasis on individual faith and salvation. It unified American colonies more when it spread.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Cause: It was when the colonists wanted to create a more centralized government.
    Definition: The Albany Plan of Union was a plan proposed by Benjamin Franklin. He wanted to create a permanent federation of colonies to have shared colonial interests.
    Impact: The plan was rejected because it would have taken away the colonist's existing power.
  • French and Indian War

    Cause: The cause was when the French and the English disagreed about what land they claimed and didn't.
    Definition: When the two sides disagreed it lead to a war known as the French and Indian War.
    Impact: After the war the British and the Colonists won and they gained a lot of land.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Cause: The Native Americans were treated unfairly by the British.
    Definition: Ottowa chief named Pontiac united Native Americans against the British and attacked their forts.

    Impact: The indian attacks ended when cheif Pontiac was killed.
  • Proclamation line of 1763

    Cause: The King did not want the colonists to settle past the Applachian mountains.
    Definition: King George didn't want to start a war with the Native Americans by allowing the colonists to settle past the Applachian mountains.
    Impact: The colonists eventually broke the law and they settled where they weren't supposed to.
  • British Colonial Acts

    Cause: The colonist kept protesting whenever the British taxed them.
    Definition: The colonists protested because the British put high taxes on them and the British slowly took away their rights.
    Impact: The acts made the colonists more angry at the British which would later on lead to the American Revolution.
  • Boston Massacre

    Cause: The tax on paper caused the colonists to protest.
    Definition: When they protested the situation got worse when the colonists threw rocks, and snowballs at the British soldiers which forced them to fire at the colonists.
    Impact: 11 colonists died or got injured. This was one of the many events that caused the american revolution.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Cause: The British taxed the colonists on tea.
    Description: When the British taxed the colonists on tea, the colonists got mad and the sons of liberty dressed as Indians and sneaked into a ship and dumped all the tea.
    Impact: The British lost a lot of money from what the colonists did so the British closed the port in Boston.
  • First Continental Congress

    Cause: Because the British taxed the colonists so much.
    Definition: Group of leaders from the thirteen colonies came together in Philadelphia in response of the unfair treatment from Britain.
    Impact: The declaration of rights was issued.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Cause: The Americans wanted to get independence from Britain.
    Definition: The colonists had access to the Mississippi River from negotiating with the French.
    Impact: The treaty was signed so that the Americans can get Independence from Britain.