
Road to revelution asher barrett

  • end of French and Indian war

    end of French and Indian war
    The war ends the French serender all there land to the British. Later the colinists would learn they could not settle on the new land.
  • Period: to

    causes of revilution

  • the proclamation of 1763

    the proclamation of 1763
    Banned all colinists from moving west of the Appaalations. But this was widly ignored because it was imposible to inforce. Many pepole moved to the Ohio river valley. They either built houses or blended in with the natives.
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    British taxed sugar, molasas and rum and other things. The colonies were outraged some pepole stoped buying sugar.
  • quartering act

    quartering act
    Forced colinists to house, feed and nurse British soilders. Pepole who refused would be taxed, put in jail or sometimes even hung.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    British taxed all papers including stamps ,wills, playing cards, ext. Pepole gathered in a large group and burned letters cards and other documents.
  • townshend acts

    townshend acts
    British taxed tea, lead, glass. The writs of assistance allowed British to search ships. Pepole who smuggled would be put in jail or hung.
  • Boston masacre

    Boston masacre
    A colinist was butteed with a British soilders gun and knoked down. A soilder said he heard fire, shot his gun and killed one Crispus Attucks, he died on contact with bullet. Then the masacre started.
  • tea act

    tea act
    Made it so colinists had to buy tea from British. Most pepole stoped buying tea in a boycott on tea.
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    Colonists discised them selves as NativeAmericans borded a British tea ship and dumped crates of tea into the Boston Harbor. This happened between 7:00-10:00 pm this took 3 hours to complete. 90,000 Lbs. of tea weredumped in today the tea would be worth 1,000,000$.
  • Coercive/ Intolorable acts

    Coercive/ Intolorable acts
    These acts were all intolerable and Boston harbor was closed until the tea was payed for the tea was worth 1,000,000 dollars today. Also all trials were moved to England and punishment was more sever. England banned townmeetings and that strengthened the quartering act.
  • Pual Rever's first ride

    Pual Rever's first ride
    Pual was waiting in a boat signals were 1 lantern there coming by land, 2 lanterns they were coming by see. There were 2 Paul swiftly got to land road warning everyone, The British are coming the British are coming. The war had started and Paul Rever was captured at Lexington.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    First shoots had been fired by British soilders American soilders/ militia fought back when smoke cleared 8 farmers were dead. The Revolutionary war had officially begun. :)