Road to Religious Freedom

  • Virginia Statutes 4 Religious Freedom

     Virginia Statutes 4 Religious Freedom
    Adult male had to owen property and be a
    member of the church to vote
  • Pilgrims

    thanksgiving,All religion in the kingdom was strictly
    dictated by the government.If the ruler were Catholic, everyone in the kingdom was required to practice the Catholic faith and rituals.
  • Puritans

    In their enthusiasm to keep their religion "pure," they were extremely severe in
    their punishment of anyone who would oppose them: not tolerating
    The Anglican church could be changed to their
  • Maryland

    Maryland, named after England's Catholic queen HENRIETTA MARIA,was found by LORD BALTIMORE, for people that can't find places to live because of their religion 1644 come because they were being preston because of prescription.
  • More Dissent in Mass Bay

    More Dissent in Mass Bay
    In 1636, he purchased land from the NARRAGANSETT Indians and founded the colony of RHODE ISLAND. Here there would be complete religious freedom.
  • Dissent in Mass Bay

    Dissent in Mass Bay
    Anne Hutchinson was preaching and that interfered with what they were doing so the artist her a found her guilty 1637 didn't believe what they said
  • Quakers

    The created a place where they would not be in any of England's wars. They made it were the would not make you have to follow a religion
  • Period: to

    Great Awakening

    whitefield created a church and so much people would come that he would have to pray outside because the church could not hold that main people , and they would preach everywhere
  • Virginia Statues 4 Religious Freedom

    Virginia Statues 4 Religious Freedom
    Virginia bill of Rights in 1786 free exercise of religion and church and state separation