Road to Mexican Independence

  • Rubi reprt

    Rubi reprt
    Rubi reportTHe king fileda report on the presidios due to all the change in the world. They said they should only keep the san antonio and santa fe missons and start a war with them and the Lupan Apache indians for there attacks. four years later, the yall abandoned the missions and left to go find a better place to live.
  • American Revolutionary war begins

    American Revolutionary war begins
    WarThe American Revolution started when 13 colonies got together to break freee from the british empire. They all came together, creating the United States of Americsa.
  • U.S Decleration of Independence

    U.S Decleration of Independence
    7, the Declaration of Independence is the most cherished symbol of liberty and Jefferson's most enduring monument
  • United states gained Independence

    United states gained Independence
    Untid states gained Independence in 1776. People that were included were Thomas Jefferson, John Adams,Bengamin franklin, and King George lll.
  • The treaty of paris

    The treaty of paris
    Treaty ofd parisThe treaty of paris ended the war for independence and granted to 13 colonies political freedom.It was a treaty between the united states and great britian. It was signed in 1782 but not fully confirmed untin September 3, 1783
  • French Revolution Begins

    French Revolution Begins
    French RevolutionIt was a time period of rivalry between France and Europe. The absolute monarchy that had ruled France collapsed.
    it was also a period of radical and political changes.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Louisiana PurchaseThe United States purchased from France to Louisiana, more than 2 million sq km. The price was about 15 million dollars.
    Most of the money was from the citizens.
  • The cry for Delores

    The cry for Delores
    [cry for delores]( this day, Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla, a Catholic priest from a wealthy family, Ralied his parishioners to rise up in arms
  • Battle of Medina

    Battle of Medina
    [Battle of Medina]( battle was between Gutierrez-MAgee expedition under Gen. This was the bloodiest battle in Texas history. It affected the destines of Spain, Mexico, France, England, and the United States.
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    CrisisIt was the first finances crisis of the United States. it occured at the end of Era of good feelings. This happened during the great depression which cause them to make the dollar. this happened when they didnt have enough money to support the government.
  • The old three hundred colony

    The old three hundred colony
    Three hundred colony
    it used to refer to the settlers who got land grants. austin's father recieved a permit from the spanish to settle 300 families in texas, but died shortly after. austin too his fathers place and traveled to san ab=ntonio to fulfil his fathers dream.
  • Mexican Independence

    Mexican Independence
    Mexican IndependenceMiguel Hildago wanted to gain Mexicna Independece. He tried once but failed.Spain was finally defeated in 1821. Thats when they gained there Independance.
  • Imperial Colinization Law

    Imperial Colinization Law
    Mexican Colonization the government of the eastern of the Provincias Internas made a permit to Moses Austin to settle 300 families in Texas.
  • Constitution of 1824

    Constitution of 1824
    1824The Constitution of 1824,, was the document under which DeWitt Colonists were invited to emigrate to the Republic.
  • Period: to

    Coahuila y Tejas

    Texasit was one of the states of the newly of the United Mexican States.
  • The Green flag

    The Green flag
    the green flagGreen Flag is a rescue company in the UK. It was formed in 1971 as the National Breakdown Recovery Club and under the ownership of National Car Parks until 1994, when it was renamed Green Flag as a symbolic brand name
  • John Long

    John Long
    linkJohn Davis Long was a U.S. political figure. He served as the 32nd Governor of Massachusetts between 1880 and 1883. He later served as the Secretary of the Navy.