Road to independence

  • Thomas Paine arrived in the colonies.

    Thomas Paine arrived in the colonies.
    In 1774 Thomas Paine arrived in the colonies from England and soon caught the revolutionary spirit.
  • First continental Congress meets

    First continental Congress meets
    All colonies but Georgia have representatives. Voted to send a "Statement of grievances". Voted to Boycott all British Trade. Patrick Henry - Va rep. urged colonists to unite against Britain.
  • British preparing to fight.

    British preparing to fight.
    By April 1775, several thousand British troops were in and around Boston, with more on the way.
  • The British starts there attack

    The British starts there attack
    Troops were seen marching out of the city by colonial protest leader Dr. Joseph Warren.
  • Surrender of fort Ticonderoga

    Surrender of fort Ticonderoga
    Benedict Arnold, a captain in the Connecticut militia raised a force of 400 to capture Fort Ticonderoga. Fort Ticonderoga occupied a key location and was also rich in military supplies. They took the British troops by surprise and fort Ticonderoga surrendered.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    The delegates included some of the best leaders in the colonies. Among them included John and Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee,and George Washington. All delegates to the First Continental Congress. Several new delegates also came.. Benjamin Franklin, one of the most respected men was also there. While American and British blood had been spilled, they were not ready to vote to split from Britain. It would be another year before Jefferson would write the Declaration of Independence.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    After Lexington and Concord, more volunteers joined the colonial militias. Soon militia around Boston numbered about 20,000 .The British remained in control of the city. Militia commanded by Colonel William Prescott set up posts on Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill. Across the harbor from Boston. British ended up Winning the Battle of bunker hill due to America's lack of gunpowder. But the British suffered from heavy losses of more than 1,000 dead and wounded.
  • Washington reached the Boston area

    Washington reached the Boston area
    Weeks after the Battle of bunker hill, the British held Boston, but Patriot militia ringed the city. While the army grew everyday Washington realized that the men were disorganized and lacked discipline.
  • Continental Congress voted on Lee's resolution for independence.

    Continental Congress voted on Lee's resolution for independence.
    Twelve colonies voted for independence. New York did not vote but later announced its support.Then delegates discussed Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Thomas Paine published his pamphlet.

    Thomas Paine published his pamphlet.
    Thomas Paine published a pamphlet called Common Sense. In bold language, Paine called for a complete break with British rule.
  • Washington Preparing to take boston

    Washington Preparing to take boston
    Washington needed weapons so he arranged to have dozens of cannons hauled 300 miles from Fort Ticonderoga. After they were moved Washington believed they were ready to fight. Washington and his solider moved the cannons into position over looking Boston while the British slept. The British were surprised and when they realized they were within easy reach of the cannons British General William Howe commanded his soldiers to board ships and withdraw from Boston. Washington took out Boston.
  • Richard's offer

    Richard's offer
    The Second continental Congress was filled with spirited debate: Should the colonies declare themselves an independent nation or stay under British rule? Virginia's Richard Henry Lee offered a bold resolution.Congress debated Lee's resolution. Some thought the colonies should not form a separate nation. Others argued that war had already begun and they should be free from Great Britain.
  • Declaration of Independence was approved.

    After making changed on the draft, delegates approved the document. John Hancock signed the declaration of independence first. Eventually 56 delegates signed the document announcing the birth of the United States.
  • Arnold is found out to be a traitor.

    Arnold is found out to be a traitor.
    In September of 1780, Arnold became a traitor to the Patriot cause. He sold military information to the British. Once he was discovered, he fled to British controlled New York City where he commanded British troops and led raids against the Americans in Virginia and COnnecticut.