Road to Independence

  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    -All colonies but Georgia have representatives
    -voted to send a "statement of grievances"
    -voted to Boycott all British trade
    -Patrick Henry-VA rep. urged colonists to unite against Britain
  • The British on the Move

    The British on the Move
    On the night of April 18, 1775, Dr. Joseph Warren the leader of the colonial chose to walk through Boston to look for any irregular activity, when he saw British troops marching out of the city. Dr. Joseph Warren went to warn Paul Revere and William Dawes and the Sons of Liberty Paul and William then went to Lexington to warn them. After hearing this news Samuel Adams was ready for a fight!
  • A meeting in Philadelphia

    A meeting in Philadelphia
    In September 55 delegates went to Philadelphia to set up a political body that would represent the good in America and challenge the British, which people called Continental Congress.
  • British are in Boston

    British are in Boston
    -Thousands and thousands of British troops were surrounding Boston
    -Thomas Gage had the responsibility to seize Washington's weapons
  • The British on the Move

    The British on the Move
    -Dr. Joseph Warren walked through Boston seeking for any odd movements
    -Warren then alerted Paul Revere and William Dawes and then they drove to Lexington which is east of Concord to let people know that the British were coming
  • The Lexington and Concord Battle

    The Lexington and Concord Battle
    -At dawn the battle started and 70 minutemen waited
    -Minutemen were led by John Parker
    -Later on in the battle British still went on when other were low on weapons
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    After the Lexington and British war 174 were wounded and 73 left dead. After the war British then started picking on Benedict Arnold which then he learned they were trying to start a fight.
  • The second Continental Congress Meeting

    The second Continental Congress Meeting
    -John and Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and George Washington were the delegates at the first meeting and a few new delegates came also
    -Benjamin Franklin was one of the most respected men out of the colonies since he had been a leader for Pennsylvania.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    After Lexington and Concord more people volunteered to join the colonial militias, soon later militias surrounding Boston carried about 20,000 people.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    -The next day the redcoats were assembled and ready and then they charge while low on ammunition
    -Prescott then shouted "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!" as motivation
  • The Second Continental Congress Vote

    The Second Continental Congress Vote
    -The Second Continental Congress voted for resolution for independence
    -New York did not vote for independence but later expressed their support
  • Moving Towards Independence

    Moving Towards Independence
    -Paine caught on to the revolutionary spirit
    - In January Paine published a pamphlet about the British rules called Common Sense
  • Getting away

    Getting away
    • Washington led his troops in the city as they watch the British sail away to Halifax to get away form Washington
  • Approved the document

    Approved the document
    -John Hancock was first to sign the Declaration of Independence
    -John was sure to write his name large enough for King George to read with no glasses