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Road To Independence

  • 1000's of Redcoats in Boston

    1000's of Redcoats in Boston
    General Gage brings thousands of British soldiers to Boston with more on the way
  • The British Send Troops

    The British Send Troops
    There were thousands of British troops with more on the way in Boston. These troops were offered to seize supplies from the militias
  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    All colonies but Georgia have representatives. Voted to send a "Statement of grievances." Voted to boycott all British Trade. Patrick Henry- VA rep. urged colonists to unite against Britain
  • Voting for independence

    Voting for independence
    12 out of the 13 colonies voted for independence, later New York voted in favor for independence
  • Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

    Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
    Paul Revere rides to warn the Sons of Liberty that the British in Lexington and Concord that the " The British are coming... The British are coming.
  • British Move

    People saw that the British were coming and needed to warn people that the British are coming.
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    -Benedict Arnold who was a captain for the Patriots led a force of 400 to seize the fort of Ticonderoga.
    - The fort was a very important location and had many supplies.
  • The second continental Congress meets

    -All of the old delegates met plus new ones
    - Set up a post office and authorized printing of money
    -Created the continental army which was going to be commanded by George Washington
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    -Following Lexington and Concord, the militia around Boston would rise to 20,000 people.
    - The Americans ran out of gunpowder and had to retreat, causing the British to win the battle
  • Militias of Bunker Hill

    The Militias set up posts across the harbor from Boston at Breeds Hill and Bunker Hill. The British remained in Boston afterwards.
  • The British Withdraw from Boston

    -Had to withdraw because of Washington's big guns threatening their army,
    -Withdrew on March 17th, 1776
  • Public reading of the Declaration of Independence

    President Washington offered for the Declaration of Independence to be ready to his troops.
  • The Decleration Of Independance

    The Decleration Of Independance
    -The delegates approved the Declaration Of independence.
    - 56 delegates signed it.
    - It was distributed throughout the colonies
    -Had four different sections