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Road to Independence

  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    • All colonies but Georgia have representatives
    • Voted to send a "statement of grievances"
    • Voted to Boycott all British Trade
    • Patrick Henry - Virginia rep. urged colonists to unite against Britain
    • "I am not a Virginian but an American."
  • Washington gives the Continental Army a military glow-up

    • Washington leads militia to Boston, a few weeks after the Battle of Bunker Hill
    • The colonial force lacked discipline and training
    • Washington ordered for cannons to be hauled 300 miles to Fort Ticonderoga
  • Revere and Dawes to Lexington

    Revere and Dawes to Lexington
    • Dr. Joseph Warren tells Paul Revere & William Dawes he saw the British leaving
    • Revere and Dawes ride to Lexington with the warning
    • Samuel Prescott takes the warning to Concord
  • Lexington and Concord

    • Captain John Parker led 70 minutemen in Lexington
    • A shot was fired that started it all
    • Eight minutemen lay dead
    • British continued to Concord, but got stopped at North Bridge
    • The British were ambushed on there way back to Boston
    • 174 wounded, 73 dead
  • Fort Ticonderoga Surrenders

    • Benedict Arnold leads militia of 400
    • Arnold teams up with Ethan Allen
    • The Green Mountain Boys attack Fort Ticonderoga
    • The Fort is surrendered
  • Second Continental Congress

    • Famous faces showed up including: Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and George Washington.
    • Benjamin Franklin came; Helped repeal stamp act
    • John Hancock was the Lawful Neutral boat merchant from "Sons of Liberty"
    • Thomas Jefferson was 32 and Virginian
    • Another year before Declaration of Independence
  • Richard Henry Lee's Bold Resolution

    • Lee says this at the Second Continental Congress: "That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be , free and independent states... and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is and ought to be, totally dissolved."
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    • Volunteers joined Boston militia; Around 20,000 in militia
    • Militia commanded by William Prescott set posts up on Bunkers's Hill and Breed's Hill
    • British went to attack multiple times
    • Americans retreated because of low ammunition
  • Declaration of Independence spreads

    • Washington has Declaration read to his men
  • Thomas Paine Tells the British to Shut Up

    • Thomas Paine came to the Colonies in 1774
    • Two years later he wrote "Common Sense"
    • He said there should be a break in the British rule
    • Influenced opinions
  • Britain retreats to Canada

    • Washington leads men under cover of darkness
    • The British were sailing to Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • Second Continental Congress Votes

    • Second Continental Congress voted on Lee's opinion; 12 colonies voted for independence (New York are losers)
  • John Adams Wants to Make a Holiday

    • John Adams writes, "The Second Day of July 1776... ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade... and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other"
    • July 4th became Independence Day instead
  • Delegates Approve Declaration

    • After some changes, delegates approved the Declaration.
    • John Hancock signed the declaration first
    • 56 delegates signed the Declaration
  • Arnold Betrays Us

    • Arnold gives information to the British and switches sides