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Road to Independence

  • First Continental Congress Meets

    First Continental Congress Meets
    • All colonies but Georgia have representatives. -voted to send a "statement of grievances".
    • voted to boycott all British trade -Patrick Henry- VA rep. urged colonists to unite against the British.
  • British Send Troops

    British Send Troops
    -Several Thousand troops were all around Boston with many more to be arriving.
  • Walk Through Boston

    Walk Through Boston
    • Colonial protest leader (Dr. Joseph Warren) walked through Boston looking to see anything unusual about the British -Warned Sons of Liberty
  • Fort Ticonderoga Surrendered

    Fort Ticonderoga Surrendered
    • Arnold became a traitor for siding with the British.
  • Second Continental COngress meeting

    Second Continental COngress meeting
    • The Continental Congress had grown with John Adams, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and George Washington aswell as several new members.
  • Millitia Camped

    Millitia Camped
    • Set 2 militias with one being right across the British's -Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill
  • Further Training

    Further Training
    • George Washington realized his solders weren't properly trained and had lack of discipline and gave them further training Needed many weapons
  • Boston Arrival

    Boston Arrival
    -George Washington had arrived to Boston in order to recruit more solders.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    The Second Continental Congress votes on Lee's resolution for freedom
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The members of Continental Congress had signed a document (Declaration of Independence) declaring Independence for The United States of America.
  • Crime Discovered

    Crime Discovered
    • It was discovered that Arnold was selling information to the British -When discovered he fled to New York City