
Road to Civil War Timeline Project - Seth McLaughlin

  • Period: to


  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri wanted to join the Union as a slave state, but that would create an unbalance in the # of free/slave states. The solution was that Missouri joined as a slave state and Maine as a free one. The 36 degree 30 minute line was also created. This line determined whether a new state would hold slaves or not. Anything north of that line was to be a free state, and south would be slave holding.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    Nat Turner was born into slavery. One day in 1831, he felt that God had told him to be the leader of a slave rebellion. He followed through with this calling, and along with 7 other slaves, killed his owner and his entire family. They then went to a town in Virgina and captured an armory. Along with 75 other African Americans, they took the armory and killed over 60 white people. it took over 3,000 armed people to take down the group, and it took 6 weeks. Nat was then captured and killed.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    California wanted to join the U.S. as a free state. The problem this created, was that the state was in the middle of the 36 degree 30 minute line. The solution was to bring California in as a free state, create the New Mexico and Utah territories, stopped slave trade in D.C., initiated the fugitive slave act, and settled war debts with Texas. The fugitive slave act in particular, upset the North a lot. This law forced them to turn in runaway slaves and if they didn't, they would be imprisoned.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    Part of the Compromise of 1850. Made it so that runaway slaves had to be returned to their owners. If anyone was found to have helped a slave escape or stay hidden, the person would be imprisoned. This enraged northern abolitionists because it took away their only direct way of helping out slaves.
  • Start of the Republican Party.

    Start of the Republican Party.
    Began in the 1850's as an antislavery group. Abe Lincoln was the first president to be a part of this political party. Today, the Republicans stand for independence, localism, and hard work.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The Kansas Nebraska Act sought to determine whether or not the Kansas and Nebraska territories would be able to have slavery or not. The outcome was that the citizens in the territory would vote on whether or not slavery should be legal. This upset northerners because this policy overrid the 36 degree 30 minute line.
  • "Bleeding Kansas"

    "Bleeding Kansas"
    John Brown, upset about the Kansas-Nebraska Act, led a group into Kansas, and killed 5 men and boys. John was an "extremist" abolitionist, who felt it was his sole duty to end slavery, violently. As the town sought revenge, the papers reffered to the event as "Bleeding Kansas". 200 died in the violence. After this, Kansas joined the Union as a free state.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Dred Scott, a former slave, files a lawsuit. The case makes it to the Supreme Court. The outcome was that he was a slave and couldnt file a valid lawsuit. It also made ithe Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. This outraged Northern aboltionists. This new law made it so that any state, north or south of the 36 degree 30 minute line could hold slaves if they pleased.
  • Raid on Harper's Ferry

    Raid on Harper's Ferry
    John Brown led a group of abolitionists to raid a gun warehouse. The purpose of this was to rally up slaves and start a revolt. Instead, 10 were killed and Brown was captured, and killed. The northerners saw him as a hero, martyr, and legend. But the south saw him as a criminal. His death made both sides upset about the situation, and further pushed the intensity of their hatred for each other higher.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    After running and losing several times, anti slavery Republican Abraham Lincoln wins the presidential election. Because of this, several states left the Union, and formed the Confederacy. The government then crumbled and the Civil War was put into motion.