Road to a Republic

By King321
  • Jul 15, 1214

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta introduce the idea of limited government. It happened because English noble didn't like the way King John ruled. There was unfair taxation and cruel punishment to prisoner and more. Due to that they forced him to sign the Manga Carta, which limited his power.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    The English Bill of Rights was made to limit the power of the monarchy. This happened because of the power struggle between parliament and the monarchy
  • The crowning of King George III

    The crowning of King George III
    King George ascended to the throne earlier on October 1760. However, the formal crown did not happen until 1761. Due to the French and Indian war the king imposed sugar, glass, tea, paper and other taxes
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    This war was when the French and Native America fought the British in North America. The British won, which granted them control of the eastern third of the United States. It diminished french power in the United States. However, the war was very expensive. It left a huge debt for the British.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    This event lead up to the American revolution.The america. 60 American colonist throw 342 boxes of tea in the Boston harbor. This was done to protest the tea tax
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence is an important event in American history and is celebrated every year. In the declaration is gives the reason why America wanted to break of from Britain and there need for a revolution.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The articles of confederation was the first document that showed how the government worked. However, It failed due to the federal government being to weak and the state government being to strong. The main event that highlighted the articles of confederation not being a good form of government was the shay's rebellion.
  • Virginia Plan

    Virginia Plan
    The Virginia plan was a plan for the government of the United States. It was introduce by James Madison. The plan had three branches of government , which included a bicameral legislature. Representation would be based on population. Some state were not happy with the Virginia plan, so they made there on plan called the Jersey plan
  • Jersey plan

    Jersey plan
    The New Jersey Plan was introduce by William Patterson. Unlike the Virginia plan, the legislature is unicameral. Moreover, in included a federal executive branch and judiciary branches. The population would not count for representation, meaning every state will be equal
  • ⅗ Compromise

    ⅗ Compromise
    It stated that five black people counted for 3 white people when determine population and for tax purposes. This was done because the north did not have as many African Americans, but the south had many African american. They made that rule as a compromise.
  • Ratification of the Constitution

    Ratification of the Constitution
    The U.S. Constitution had the frame work of how the government is going to work. However, they were problem getting all the state to agree. There was a federalists and anti-federalists group. Federalists was for the constitution and anti- federalists were against it. After some debating and addition of the bill of rights they constitution was finally able to be ratified.