
Rise of the Soviet Union

  • The Spark

    Protesters begin going against Czar rule and demanding better working/living conditions as surfs. They had been mistreated for way too long and had decided to revolt. They were being bought and sold like property, not given enough to eat or any freedoms, and not allowed to leave the land they worked on without their lord's permission. The surfs made up 90% of the population so many people had reason to be unhappy.
  • Lenin Takes Over

    Vladimir Lenin invented a form of government called Marxism, overthrew the current government and put his own in place. Marxism was all about fairness and equality. Lenin believed that there were two social classes, (workers, and land owners) and he wanted them to be equal and be treated well.
  • The Czar Steps Down

    The surfs convinced Czar Nicholas to step down after protesting for a while. Even though he (of course) did not want to, he needed to prevent more bloodshed and fighting.
  • The Soviet Union is Formed

    The pieces of Russia form a whole new country and name it the Soviet Union. They used Marxism values and communism.