Period: 616 BCE to 509 BCE
The Etruscan Rule
Between 616 and 509 B.C.E the etruscan kings ruled over the roman citizens, during this time the social classes were divided into two types, patricians, and plebeians -
509 BCE
The rise of the republic
In 509 the Roman citizens were tiered of the etruscan King’s and decided to create their own form of government, the republic -
494 BCE
The Plebeian Revolt
in the year 494 B.C.E the patricians held all the power (being the upper class) and the plebeians being the poor class having no control decided to leave rome and not come back until they had governmental power leading to the creation to the tribunes of the plebs -
451 BCE
The Twelve Tables
In the year 451 B.C.E the plebeians still had close no no governmental power and demanded the patricians to write their laws as a way for them not to change them any second they wanted leading to the twelve tables -
287 BCE
The Plebeian Change
in 287 B.C.E., the plebeians gained the right to pass laws for all Roman citizens. Now the plebeian class could approve or reject laws.