Rise of the Roman Republic

  • Period: 616 BCE to 509 BCE

    Etruscan Rule

    During this period of time the Romans were ruled by a Etruscan King.
  • 509 BCE

    Roman Republic

    Roman Republic
    The Romans overthrow the Etruscans and create a Republic, that makes the new roman government form.
  • 494 BCE

    Plebeians Protest

    Plebeians Protest
    The Plebeians are tired of the unfair treatment and they leave the Roman city and refuse to come back if they didnt have more rights.
  • 451 BCE

    The Twelve Tablets

    The Twelve Tablets
    The Patricians accept to give the Plebeians more rights and they write down new laws on the twelve tablets.
  • 287 BCE

    Plebeian Laws

    Plebeian Laws
    Plebeians are allowed to pass their own laws, this meaning that now new people have influence on the government.