Rise of the Roman Republic

  • Period: 616 BCE to 509 BCE

    Patricians and Plebeians under Etruscan Rule

    In 616 and 509 BCE, the Etruscans ruled Rome. During this time, Roman society was divided into 2 parts: the Plebeians and the Patricians
  • 509 BCE

    The Particians Create a Republic

    The Particians Create a Republic
    In 509 BCE, a group of patricians rebeled and drove out the last Etruscan king. Instead of having a king, they decided to create a repulic
  • 494 BCE

    The Pleabians Rebel

    The struggle took a dramatic turn in 494 BCE. Rome
    was a city of between 25,000 and 40,000 people. Most of the
    population were plebeians.
  • 451 BCE

    The Plebians gain Political Equality

    Over the next 200 years, the plebeians used a series of protests to get political equality.First, they demanded that the
    laws be written down. That way, the
    patricians couldn't change them. Around 451 B.C.E., the patri-
    cians agreed. The laws were writtendown on tablets called the Twelve Tables.
  • 287 BCE

    The Plevians gain Political Equality

    In 287 B.C.E., the plebeians gained the right to pass laws for all Roman citizens. Now the assemblies of all Roman citizens could
    approve or reject the laws.