Rise of the Nazis

  • The National Socialist German Worker's Party

    Also known as the Nazis, began as a group that pushed for nationalism and were "anti-jew"
  • Adolf Hitler declared fuehrer

    Adolf Hitler declared fuehrer
    Became the leader of the Nazi Party. He created the SA, or Brownshirts to "deal with oppenents".
  • Nazi's Gain Support

    Middle Class people, such as farmers and small business owners,
  • Nazis gain support with various groups

    The middle class were big supporters, including farmers and small business owners. They supported because they felt the current government was 'ignoring' them.
  • Great Depressions and Impact for Nazis

    The Great Depression made more people turn towards Hitler and the Nazi party, because people were mad at the government for not pleasing them. Anything they didn't like about the government, the Nazis provided.
  • Concentration camps opening

    Concentration camps opening
    Hitler began construction of concentration camps, made for people who went against nazis and held prisoner.
  • The Chancellor Deal

    On January 30th, Hitler was appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg. He was allowed to form a government.
  • Reichstag Fire and Aftermath

    Reichstag Fire and Aftermath
    The Reichstag Building, the congress building in Berlin, burned down in a fire. Hitler used it to get more power and Nazis declared a state of emergency, which means the President has full power to restore safety.
  • The Enabling Act

    Allowed Hitler to govern without boundaries. It was rigged, because Nazis arrested political parties(scaring others not to vote). They declared anyone who rejected it would be imprisoned.
  • Hindenburg death

    President Hindenburg died, and Hitler gained full control of the government, state and army.
  • Rearmament

    Hitler reinforced the draft, then told his four year plan to increase the army and prepare it for war.
  • Anschluss-Austrian takeover

    Austria tried to gain independence, so Hitler invaded and took control of them to reassure his power over them.
  • Czechoslovakia and The Munich Agreement

    An agreement made to "keep the peace" between the Czech's and Germany. Italy and France met with Germany to form the agreement, but Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia.