Hitler joins the Nazi party
Adolf Hitler joined this small political party in 1919 and through his emotional and captivating speeches it rose to leadership. -
Signing of the Treaty Versaille
The Sugning of the Treaty of Versaille was one of the peace treaties at the end of WWI and that ended war between Germany and the Allied Powers. -
Beer Hall Putsch
Attempt at seizing power with the Nazi party. Hitler and the Nazis attempt a revolution against the government. -
Mein Kampf
This was book was a autobiograpy of political ideas and future plans for Germany.It had caused a spread of national socialism. -
Great Depression
The period of time caused by WW2 where people felt hopeless. It was the economic crisis of the stock market crash. (29th Oct, 1929-
1st Sep, 1939) -
Hitler Becomes Chancellor
Hitler was appointed as chancellor of Germany by President Paul Von Hindenburg. He was good at public speaking and made people believe that he would help them thats why he was chosen. -
Enabling Bill
The Weimar Constitution gave the Germans the pwoer to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag.