Rise of Nazi Timeline

  • The End Of World War 1

    Germany loses the war, leading to economic problems and national embarrassment.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Signed placing heavy restrictions on Germany, fueling public anger and economic instability.
  • Hitler joins the German Workers party

    Hitler joins this small political group that would later become the Nazi Party.
  • Nazi Party is founded

    The German Workers Party changes its name to the Nazi Party, pushing extreme nationalist and racist ideas.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Hitler tries to overthrow the government in Munich but fails and is arrested
  • Hitler book, Mein Kampf

    While in prison, Hitler writes Mein Kampf, explaining his plans for Germany and his racist beliefs.
  • Great Depression

    The worldwide economic crash hits Germany hard, causing massive unemployment and boosting support for extremist groups like the Nazis.
  • Nazis gain seats in the Reichstag(parliament)

    The Nazi Party wins a lot more seats in the German parliament, becoming a major political force.
  • Hitler runs for President

    Hitler runs for President of Germany but loses to Hindenburg, although his popularity keeps growing.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    President Hindenburg appoints Hitler as Chancellor of Germany, giving him control over the government.