Rise of Nazi Party

  • Hitler joined Nazi

  • Hitler became leader of Nazi Party

  • Hitler sentenced 5 years in prison but only behind bars for 1 year.

  • Hitler rebuilt Nazi

  • Depression in Germany

  • Hitler convinced most of Germany to be against communism and Jews

  • Parliament disestablished

  • Nazi party was winning. They became the only hope for Germany. Propaganda reinforced this idea.

  • Nazi Party became the biggest political party with 37.3% votes

  • Papen Resigned as he didn't have he support from his party

  • Germany was withdraw from the League of Nations

  • German politicians gave up on ruling and gave Hitler the position of Chancellor instead.

  • All other political parties were banned

  • First concentration camp opened. Jews, artists, intellectuals, disabled and homosexuals were forced in camps.

  • Broke Treaty rules by building army and claiming lands.

  • Annexed Austria

  • Invaded Czechoslovakia

  • Invaded Poland thus sparking WW2

  • Nazi focused on defeating Britain and France

  • Jewish people were systematically killed.

  • Nazi formed alliance with Japan and Italy

  • Holocaust, wiping out around 6 million Jews.

  • Hitler committed suicide

  • Nazi was fighting for survival and not for conquering.