With the rise of social media, filters became popular. This created a fun new and popular way to use selfies. -
The Net Neutrality Debate
Obama supports net neutrality and asks the FCC to classify internet as a utility. Labeling the internet as a utility meant that internet service providers would not be able to restrict internet traffic based on source, destination or type. -
Vine Closes
Vine is one of the most memorable Social Media apps that showed the popularity that videos could have on the web. Unfortunately, it couldn't keep up with competitors and its success was short-lived. -
Tik Tok
After the fall of Vine, Tik Tok took the throne of video social media. It took what made Vine popular, and developed from there. -
FCC pulls the plug on net neutrality
The FCC voted to repeal net neutrality rules it put in place in 2015. -
Hope for Net Neutrality continues
https://thehill.com/policy/technology/458820-advocacy-groups-ask-2020-democrats-to-pledge-to-restore-net-neutrality Advocates fight for 2020 democrats to restore Obama's net neutrality that was repealed.