Hitler Fights in the First World War
After the assassination of the heir to the throne of Austria (Arch Duke Ferdinand), Hitlers hatred of foreighners particulalary Savs was enraged and he enrolled himself Bavarian Army. Hitler was inches from death many times and because of his bravery was awarded two Iron Crosses. After a mustard gas attack in Berlin, Hitler was temporarily blinded. -
The Treaty of Versailles
Germany drew the short stick at the conference after Woodrow Wilsons 14 points were rejected. The big four (US, Britain, France, Italy) were on a mission to punish Germany for the war and that is exactly what they did. They were forced to pay upwards of 132,000,000,000 in gold marks, they lost 1/8th of their land, and lost all colonies. These are just a few examples of the reprecussions Germany faced after being held solely responcible for WWI. -
Nazi Party is Formed
The Nazi Party was a succession of the German Workers party who reighned from 1919 to 1920. The partys roots lay with two previous revolutionist movementts that had failed in Germany. The party is seen as extremely right wing and from the formation of their party they are not afraid to show to everyone how they feel about "inferior" races. -
Beer Hall Putsch
Also known as the "Hitler Putsch" or "Munich Putsch" was an attempt by HItler to gain support from a large number of people. Hitler decided he would strorm a large bar in Munich that was holding a public meeting of nearly 3,000 people with the de facto ruler of Bavaria speaking and demand that Kahr, Seisser, and Lossow all support him and his party. But in typical Hitler fashion he did not use words to persuade these leaders but rather he pulled a handgun and demanded that they support him. -
Hitler Tried for Treason
Strangely enough, Hitler while being tried did not seek to convince the Judge/Jury that he was innocent. Rather he accepted the fact that he had attempted to overthrow the government and made a strong case for it. He also stated that he was a genuine German patriot and that members of congress were the criminals. Hitler was sentenced to 5 years. -
Mein Kampf is Written
The Mein Kampf was a book written by and about Adolf Hitler that combines both his Political Ideology as well as a breif autobiography. He begins writing the book while imprisoned after his failed attempt in Munich, 1923. The majority of the book is based on a consiracy about the Jews known as "The Jewish Pearl" in whihc the Jews are said to take over the world. Due to this Hitler feels that every Jew everywhere needs to be killed. -
Hitler Becomes Leader of the Nazi Party
The original leaders of the Nazi party were not found of Hitler and his desire for power, so to limit his power they joined an alliance with the socialst party and Hitler left the party. The party soon realized that without Hitler they would never last, so Hitler agreed to return under the conditions that he become leader and given dictator like powers. -
Stock Market Crash
Also known as the Great Crash, the stock market crash of 1929 was the single most devastating economic depression our country has ever seen. The crash began at 10 year depression that affected nearly every industrialized nation around the world. The majority of stock holders during this time never lived to see their earning get back to even and left their families in dept. -
Hitler voted Chancellor of Germany
Soon after his apppointment to Chancellor, Hitler quickly called for big change. He turned the Weimar Republic intot what was known as the Third Reich, a party that was based on one totalitarian leader and the ideaology of the Nazis. His goals as leader was to establish "New Order" of Nazi all over the continent of Europe. -
The Reichstag Building Burns
The Reichstag Fire is seen as a pivotal moment in the rise of Hitler and his Nazi empire. The event took place just a short time after Hitler took control of the Nazi empire. The Nazis to avoid like looking like the bad guys used propoganda to concvince the german people that the fire was caused by Russian Communists. -
Hitler Becomes Dictator of Germany
From the day immediatlely follwing the election, Hitler and his party had begun a takeover of every state government in Germany. This was the first time in the history of Germany that local political indpendence. Hitler was becoming ever closer to achieving his goal of a legal dictstorship if Germany. -
Nazis Elected to Reichstag
In 1928 the Nazis held only 12 seat in the Reichstag, but as the group began to gain poopularity the Nazis were able to gain 95 additional seats in the next two years. In 1933 the Nazis and the communist party held an absolue majority in the reichstag and were considered an enemy of the parlimenary system.