rise of hitler

  • Period: to

    rise of hitler

    the rise of hitler
  • the military

    Hitler joins the military and is very excited when World War One Starts
  • The Treaty

    Germany is forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles. Anger at the treaty and the weight of reparations will destabilize Germany for years.
  • Germany workers party

    Hitler joins the German Worker's Party, being sent to spy on it by the military.
  • his speeches

    Hitler becomes increasingly important to the German Worker's Party thanks to his speeches, they decide a Twenty-Five Point Program to change Germany.
  • he becomes chairman

    Hitler is able to become chairman of this party, which is renamed the National Socialist German Worker's Party, or NSDAP.
  • the Nazi party

    Munich holds the first Nazi Party Congress.
  • prison

    Having turned his trial into a grandstand for his ideas and become known across Germany, Hitler is given a derisory five-month prison sentence.
  • Mein Kampf

    Hitler publishes "Mein Kampf", a ranting exploration of what passes as his ideology.
  • Hitler ban

    The ban on Hitler speaking is lifted; he can now use his mesmeric and violent speech making to convert voters.