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Rise of the Nazis

By AlphaXD
  • Start and beliefs of the National Socialist Worker's Party (NSDAP/Nazis)

    Led by Adolf Hitler, the Nazi's goals were nationalism. Hitler blamed other groups for Germany's situation.
  • Hitler assumes control of the Nazis

    Hitler first attended a meeting as an army spy. In 1921 he joins the Nazis and became the group's leader.
  • Nazis gain support with various groups

    The Nazis were popular with farmers, small business owners, and anyone who felt betrayed by the Weimar government.
  • Great Depression and Impact for Nazis

    Many Germans started to follow Hitler and his ideas because the Weimar goverment failed the country with the Great Depression.
  • The Chancellor Deal

    President Hindenburg refused to appoint Hitler as the Chancellor. Politician Papen sided with Hitler and helped him be Chancellor.
  • Reichstag Fire and Aftermath

    After becoming the Chancellor, Hitler was still weak in power and could be replaced at any time. The Reichstag building in Berlin was set on fire. This allowed Hitler to extend his power as he asked the president to use Article 48. Hitler then removed his enemies and restricting media and meetings.
  • The Enabling Act

    After the Reichstag Fire, the Nazis took over the Reichstag. They introduced the Enabling Act which gave power to the Nazis as they did not have someone to limit them.
  • Concentration Camps Opening

    Concentration camps were opened to imprison politicians that disagreed with Nazi belief.
  • Hindenburg's Death and the Aftermath

    In August 2, 1934 president Hindenburg died and Hitler assumed control over Germany. He had nine-tenths of the German population to agree with him having all the power.
  • Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement

    Hitler met with the leaders of other nations to convince them that Germany should be allowed in Czechoslovakia and the others agreed as long as he did not take more than he asked.
  • Anschluss-Austrian Takeover

    The Austrian Chancellor held a vote for Austrian independence. Hitler believed the vote would be rigged and demanded to relinquish power or be invaded. The Chancellor asked for help from Britain and France but was denied. Hitler joined Germany and Austria together.
  • Rearmament

    Hitler began his reign over Germany. He introduced his Four-year plan, which was used to prepare the military for war. In 1939, Germany's forces consists of over 900,000 soldiers, 8,000 aircrafts, and 95 warships.