Hitler joins the German Worker's Party
Having developed his political skills as a member of the Intelligence/Propaganda section in the army, Hitler joins the German Worker's Party. -
Rebrands party as the National Socialist German Workers' Party
Drawing on his previous experiences Hitler heads a re-brand of the Worker's Party, creating the now infamous National Socialist party. -
Becomes leader of the Nazis
Hitler successfully challenges Arthur Drexler for the leadership of the Party. -
Hitler's Nazi Party participates in the Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler's political naivety is exposed when he unsuccessfully attempts to overthrow the Weimar Government in the Munich (or 'Beer Hall') Putsch. He is charged with treason and imprisoned. -
Hitler writes Mein Kampf
Imprisoned for nine months after the failed Munich Putsch, Hitler writes Mein Kampf, an auto-biographical manifesto that would gain popularity in line with his political progression. -
Government weakens and NAZI power grows
President Hindenburg passes measures by decree (Article 48) after the Reichstag becomes uncooperative. The Nazi party channels the general popular discontent arising from rapid inflation, turning their anger outwards against reparations and the Treaty of Versailles. -
Hitler stands for and win the Chancellorship
Having became a German citizen in 1932, Hitler is eligible to and successful in standing for the leadership. -
Reichstag burned down in a fire.
The Reichstag is probably burned down by the Nazis in order to trigger a general election, and this it does -
Enabling Act passed granting Hiter dictatorial powers
The Nazi party is proclaimed the only legal political party. Trade Unions, stikes and state governments are banned or absorbed. In April the Communist party is banned and in May the Socialists. -
Hitler becomes 'Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor', abolishing the title of President
In January Hitler had refused Franz von Papen and Hindenburg's offer to be Vice-Chancellor. He demands to be Chancellor, and Hindenburg accedes (thinking he can control him). Hitler becomes Chancellor and makes himself absolute ruler using Article 48.