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Rise of hilter to power benjamin dalezman

  • Germany adopted the weimar constitution

    Germany adopted the weimar constitution
  • Period: to

    rise of hitler to power

  • Hitler and a band of twenty men marched into a beer hall in Bervaria trying to lead a rebeilion against the government

  • Field Marshal Paul Von Hindenburg took office

  • Hindenburg fired the chancelor

  • the Nazi won 230 seats

  • A divided Nazi party won 196 seats

  • Hindenburg appionted Hitler chancelor

  • The Reichstagbeulding caughty on fire, the Nazi party blamed the communists

  • "For the protection of the people and state" was passed which suspended all civil liberties

  • The Nazi part won 288 seats

  • the Reichstag voted on enabaling act bill, which gave Hitler and his cabnet the authority to issue new laws.

  • the Nazi party was officially declared the sole legal party of Germany